Workshop on Wholesome Banking Experience

Date: 9th March 2023
Venue: Seminar Hall, D Block, PIET
A workshop was organized on the topic of Wholesome Banking Experience on March 9, 2023, by the Department of Management Studies in Panipat Institute of Engineering and Technology. The department was honored to welcome Mr. Shwetanshu (Manager), Mr. Himanshu (SBI Life Insurance) – State Bank of India as the key resource persons. SBI is one of top bank which services focus on client’s most critical issues and opportunities. They advise leaders on strategy, marketing, organization, and many more across all banking industries.

The session was full of interaction and highly knowledgeable. The workshop was held to stimulate both theoretical and practical aspects of banking that assist bank supervision and regulation. The lecture was in complete depth and some activities were as well performed by the students. A lot of knowledge of Banking practices were also provided to students by Mr. Shwetanshu. This may be done to provide information on banking services like life insurance, pension schemes, automobile loan, student education loan . The importance of prioritize the work whether your day-to-day activities or organizational work, was also told by sir. The topic was completely and in detailed explained.

The session came to an end with a thank you note delivered by Prof. Akhilesh Kumar Mishra, Head-Department of Management Studies and a memento and plant were presented to Mr. Shwetanshu as a token of gratitude. The whole session was coordinated by Dr. Navita, assistant professor at the department of management studies. At the end of the session, the students were asked to give feedbacks as well. Mr. Shwetanshu said a very beautiful line that Banks are the economy what the heart is to the human body. Everyday is bank account, and the time is our currency. No one is rich, no one is poor, we have got 24 hours each. With this the session was successfully came to an end.

Indeed, a great learning experience for the students and for the faculty members as well because they were also present during the session.

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