Report on 26th Student Management Games (SMG 2023) by AIMA
AIMA (All India Management Association) every year conducts Student Management games inviting college students to participate and learn. The competition is divided into several rounds, with each round representing a year of business operations. Each team was given a virtual company to manage and was required to make decisions on various aspects of the business, including production, sales, marketing, and finance. The decisions were entered into a computer program, which simulated the business operations and provided feedback on the results. The teams were judged based on their overall performance, including profitability, market share, customer satisfaction, and financial stability.
Regional Round
Regional round of 26th Student Management Games was held in the college from 11thApril to 13thApril. It was inaugurated by Hon’ble Director sir and Dean (SW). The competition was administered by AIMA and was open to all students of the various Business Schools from management field. The purpose of the competition was to provide students with a practical experience of running a business and to test their business skills in a simulated environment.