International Conference at DMS, PIET (ICCIBME-2021)

On 28th-29th May 2021, two days Virtual International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Business Management & Economics (ICCIBME-2021) was organized by Department of Management Studies, Panipat Institute of Engineering and Technology, Haryana in association with Institute for Engineering Research and Publication (IFERP). The main objective of this conference was to discuss the contemporary issues in Business Management and economics.

In the inaugural session Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Mishra, Convener- ICCIBME-2021 delivered the welcome address and introduced the theme of the conference. On the first day of the conference Professor Bedi Academic Mentor PIET explained the need and relevance of such kind of conferences. Guest of Honour Prof. Sanjiv Mittal Vice-Chancellor, Sambalpur University, Odisha explained the concept of circular economy. Mr. Rakesh Tayal Vice Chairman, PIET, emphasized on how to reallocate the resources for its optimum utilization. Mr. Shubham Tayal Member BOG PIET congratulated the department for organizing the conference.

In these two days of academic deliberations, eminent professors like Prof. Christopher Abraham Head – Dubai Campus S P Jain School of Global Management, United Arab Emirates, Prof. Sanjaya Singh Gaur, Clinical Professor of Marketing, New York University, United States, Prof. Nafis Alam Head, School of Accounting and Finance Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation (APU), Malaysia Prof. Alasdair Robert, Professor of Public Policy and Director, School of Public Policy University of Massachusetts Amherst and Prof. Jaywant Singh Professor of Marketing Southampton Business School, University of Southampton London, delivered the keynote addresses.

More than 100 research papers were presented and 150 people comprising PG Students, Research Scholars and faculty from different parts of India and world attended the conference.

In the valedictory session Prof. Shakti Kumar Director PIET emphasized on the significance of such knowledge creation platforms where ideas are discussed .Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Mishra, Convenor- ICCIBME-2021 in his vote of thanks gave special mention to Prof Vijay Anant Athavale Conference Chair & Dean Engg. PIET for being the torch bearer for this conference. He thanked the Management and Director of the institute for their continuous motivation and support.

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