
(March 11, 2023, 9:15 a.m.–3:30p.m.)
Zoom Meeting
Online One-Day Management Fest organised by the Department of Management Studies

• Pragyan aims to encourage entrepreneurship by providing a platform for students to showcase their business ideas and plans.
• Pragyan aims to challenge participants to think critically and apply their knowledge to real-world business scenarios.
• Pragyan aims to promote effective communication skills among the participants.
• Pragyan aims to provide opportunities for participants to work collaboratively in teams.
• Pragyan aims to provide participants with opportunities to network with industry professionals, mentors, and other participants.


The Department of Management Studies at Panipat Institute of Engineering and Technology hosted an online management fest. There are three events in the fest. Which was Karya-Neeti (a case study analysis competition in which participants have to find out the solutions of a given case study), Udyamita (a business plan competition in which participants propose their business idea), and Becho-toh-jaane (an elevator pitch in which participants have to show their skills of selling a product) Students from any course are eligible to take part in these competitions. The students come from the business studies, management studies, and computer science engineering departments. Overall, we received 38 submissions. The fest happened on Zoom.

The participant arrived at the meeting at 9:00 am for a dry run to test their camera, how well they could be heard, and whether they could share a PowerPoint presentation. Following this, one of the event’s anchors welcomed the guests and performed Saraswati Vandana to officially begin the festival. After that, the host describes the event and informs the audience about the previous year’s fest, Prabandhan-Mania 2022. Dr. Akhilesh Kumar, the HOD of DMS PIET, then engages the crowd and gives the participants a few quotes of encouragement. wishes them luck and gives them a confidence boost with their wise advice.


Shortly after that, at 10:30 am, the first competition, Karya-Neeti (a case study analysis), started. There were eight teams competing, and each team had three to four minutes to present their research. They were already handed the case four days prior.
The topic of the case study analysis was “ Intel: AI and Industry 4.0 Strategy”.
The main objective of this case is:
• To consider enterprise challenges and opportunities as Industry 4.0 shapes market dynamics.
• To examine through specific examples how artificial intelligence (AI) can be applied to improve operating productivity,
• To debate and better understand the value of digital interconnectivity-enabling solutions such as those provided by Intel to different stakeholders along the value chain.

The competition’s evaluators were Ms. Ridhi Mam and Dr. Anju Mam. The competition started, and the first team that performed well and offer various solutions to the issues was from B-Tech. Each subsequent team offered various solutions from their own unique perspectives. Each participant provided an appropriate response to the judges’ questions. The rivalry was fierce. The judges have had trouble deciding who will triumph. Everyone gave impressive displays. At 11:30 am, the competition was over.


After the first competition had ended, the Udyamita (business plan competition) was the next to start. Each team has five minutes to explain their business concept. The competition was evaluated by Dr. Sandeep Kumar Sir, Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Mishra Sir, and Mr. Ravi Kaul Sir. Ten teams participated in this, each with a unique idea to share. Each participant explained their business, including the executive summary, products and services, costing, pricing, market strategies and so on.

The main purpose of a business plan is to establish a plan for the future and encourage the youth to move towards entrepreneurship and the “Make in India campaign.” The first team has the idea to create Crusty Crunchie; the second team has the idea to create a skin care product for transgender people; the third team has the idea to help students who are unsure of their career path or who have dropped out and so on. Each concept is remarkable and capable of being implemented.
Each team effectively communicated their strategy. It appears that they were pitching their idea to potential investors. A broad range of innovations was displayed in this competition. As they listened to the teams, the evaluators and those in the audience were astounded. After all the teams have finished, the judges provide beneficial guidance to help them enhance their plans. In addition, the judges appreciated their creative concepts.


There was a 30-minute break after the second competition. The third and final competition of the day, Becho-toh-jaane (elevator pitch), began after the break was over. wherein participants have one to two minutes to propose a product. They received the products four days prior. The elevator pitch was judged by Dr. Navita Mam and Dr. Preeti Mam. The competition has twelve competitors.

The main goal of this event is for participants to entice and influence others by demonstrating their presentation skills. This competition was very intriguing because each competitor had an innovative way to sell their products. Participants attempt to address all three aspects—logos, ethos, and pathos while pitching a product. Some participants begin by making a humorous statement, while others ask a query or narrate a story, and so on.


Following the competitions, there was a networking session where one of the event anchors engaged with the audience and participants about their experiences at the fest, how they utilized their time to maximize the advantages they received, what their hobbies were, and other topics. As the session is taking place, one of our teachers, Dr. Mohan sir, was also engaged in conversation with the audience and participants, sharing their insightful comments and expressing their delight at how well the participants had performed. Each of us made him very happy, which inspired the others to participate. Additionally, he said that competing and doing your best was more important than winning. which unwinds and cheers up each student.


Subsequently, there was a closing ceremony during which the anchor summarized the fest as a whole and showed the day’s film. And after that most anticipated moment of the day, when the results of the events were announced, it was time to recognize the talent of our position holders who have been struggling and facing many challenges and difficulties to be pioneers, and the winner was:
The winners of the case study competition are:
1st position: Rajat Punia, Nikhil, Pratiksha, Gharmanshu Jain
2nd position: Mansi Gupta, Tushar Singla, Srishti
3rd position: Teesha Bareja, Kunal Aggarwal, Akshat Singla, and another team Kunj Sharma, Aditya Anand

The winners of the business plan competition are:
1st position: Jatin Sharma, Lakshraj, Anjli Kharab, Mitali Sharma
2nd position: Teesha Bareja, Chakshu Chugh
3rd position: Mansi Gupta, Tushr Singla, Manav Goyal, and Another Team Rahul, Nishta, Sanchit, Kashish

Winners of Elevator Pitch are:
1st position: Mansi Gupta
2nd position: Rohan Sharma
3rd position: Shiv Ghalawat

Finally, the president of Pragyan, Ms. Srishti, extended a special vote of thanks to our Sh. Hari Om Tayal sir, Sh. Suresh Tayal sir, Mr. Shubham Tayal sir, Director Prof. Dr. Shakti Kumar sir, Prof. Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Mishra sir, and all the remaining teachers who contributed to the success of Pragyan. Additionally, the head of the Pragyan invites everyone to the upcoming “PRABANDHAN MANIYA” national event management.

Š PIET 2022 Developed and Maintained by City Innovates Pvt. Ltd.
Panipat Institute of Engineering & Technology (PIET)