Vision & Mission


To create high quality human resources in the field of management who lend their expertise in the global arena and serve the society as business leaders by setting high professional and ethical standards.


M 01
To develop department into a center for knowledge, innovation and independent thinking through imparting globally benchmarked academic program for B. Tech. and diploma for a productive career in industry, academia and research.
M 02
To respond effectively to the needs of industry and changing technological world.
M 03
To continuously enhance the department’s intellectual capital, physical and academic infrastructure and create conducive environment for learning.
M 04
To develop good quality research facility and inspire researchers to undertake research which delivers on the well being of society and the benefit of the world at large.
© PIET 2022 Developed and Maintained by City Innovates Pvt. Ltd.
Panipat Institute of Engineering & Technology (PIET)