Education 4.0

Blended Learning & Flipped Learning


Is an interesting approach that combines online educational material and opportunities for interaction online with traditional place-based classroom methods. While it is imperative that students still attend classes in a  “brick-and-mortar” set up with a teacher donning the role of a facilitator present. The face-to-face classroom practices are combined with computer-mediated activities with regards both Content as well as Delivery.

As the name suggests it is model of Learning where a Traditional Process is amalgamated with New Age Learning Models and the advantage of this Model of Learning is that provides the students to learn in a Practical as well as Theoretical Manner. There are various Models of Blended Learning that the student at PIET are exposed to; to name a few :

  • The “Face to Face” driver – where the teacher drives the instruction and augments with digital tool.
  • The “ Rotation” based model where the students are made to go through a schedule of Independent Online Study as well as an Interactive Classroom cycle.
  • The “Flex” based model is used to promote Higher Order Thinking; in this model some part of the curriculum is delivered via the Digital model and the Teachers provide Face-to-Face Consultation and Support.
  • The “Lab” based model is a vital part of the Learning Model as this where the Students usually learn as a mix of Theory and Practical based sessions.

Finally the “ Self Blend” model this a Learning process where the students have the opportunity to augment their Learning through Online Course Work. To mention some of the Tools that are being incorporated at PIET so that the entire process of “ BLENDED LEARNING” fulfills the desired objective of creating Students who are “Thought Leaders” and drive “ Change” as a function of their differentiated Learning and Thinking process. To enlist:

  • Instructor – Delivered Content
  • E-Learning
  • Webinars
  • Live/Online Sessions with Facilitators
  • Use of Face book/Chat Rooms/Blogs/You Tube to augment Learning


This is one of the most interesting and exciting ways of Learning. The Students at PIET have made the most of this innovative model of Learning. As the name suggests it is an Inversion of the Traditional process of “ Class Room Based” Learning.

To explain the Concept of Flipped Learning in brief

Flipped classroom is an instructional strategy that reverses the traditional learning environment by delivering the instructional content, outside of the classroom.

The process shifts activities including those that may have traditionally been considered homework, into the classroom. In a flipped classroom, students are made to collaborate and partner in Learning by means of watching Online Content, Video’s and Discussing Cases as well as Problem Statements.

The Topical research is carried out a place outside the Class Room Environment while the mentor/facilitator guides the students about the Content in the Class Room.

This mode of Learning by purpose shifts instruction to a learner-centered model in which time in the classroom is used to explore topics in greater depth, while the students are provided with the Textual content beforehand so that they can come to the Classroom in a prepared mode for Conceptual Discussions.

As is the case with a flipped classroom, ‘content delivery’ may take a variety of forms so at PIET, often video lessons prepared by the teacher / guest faculty / experts are used to deliver content along with online collaborative discussions, digital research, and text readings may be used.

Given the saying “Experiencing is Believing” we at PIET invite Students as well as Educators to come and see for themselves the New Age Learning Models and Tools being used to impart World Class Pedagogic Delivery to the Students as well as the community of Researchers.

© PIET 2022 Developed and Maintained by City Innovates Pvt. Ltd.
Panipat Institute of Engineering & Technology (PIET)