The Department of Management Studies, PIET organized a guest lecture on 6th March 2017 by Brahma Kumari World Spiritual University popularly known as Brahmakumaris which is one of the largest spiritual organizations of the world. The guest speakers for the day were Brother Hemant Bhagwan Bhoir, a full time volunteer for the organization. The topic for discussion was ‘Human Consciousness in the Daily Karma.’  In their address, the speakers stressed on the need for the modern human beings to work towards not only their material upliftment but also spiritual upliftment. They discussed on how the most materially successful people of the world are simultaneously working towards their spiritual progress by acknowledging that the two are intertwined and interconnected. Material success without spiritual progress is hollow, unfulfilling and temporary. The toxic impact of the modern lifestyle on the physical and mental health of modern human beings can only be reversed by spiritual practices. The two speakers also discussed their current fields of research pertaining to unification of science and spirituality for the highest and holiest future of humanity. They both are working with research group of Theoretical Physicists/ Research Scholars and spiritual people, doing deep and fundamental research of Human Consciousness, God consciousness and structure of Universe. They are also working with Global Consciousness Scientist Group- New York, USA. They have released 3 meditation documentaries on “Rajyog-The Holy Science of GOD SHIV” which give information on how we can achieve highest consciousness through Ancient Rajyog Meditation. Brother Santosh also gave examples of scientists like Albert Einstein who acknowledged this early that science and spirituality have a harmonious and complementary existence. He demonstrated and taught some practical aspects of mediation to the students and divulged some secrets on how to use mediation to train your mind to achieve sure shot success in any endeavor. In the end, the pair resolved the queries of students and gave references for further study of mediation techniques and spiritual knowledge. Mrs. Priyanka Sehgal, HOD, Department of Management Studies, PIET lauded the speakers for sharing their invaluable knowledge with the students and asked the students to follow their lead so as to live a wholesome and fulfilling life. Prof (Dr.) K.K. Paliwal, Director, PIET thanked the guests for taking time out of their busy schedule to guide the students and shared his admiration for the duo for their selfless hard work  and noble endeavor to make a physically, mentally and spiritually healthy society.

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