A Guest Lecture on Compitition to Cooperation by Brother E.V Girish from Brahmakumari Word Spiritual University, Mumbai, on September 9, 2k16.

Lord Buddha said: Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, human beings cannot live without a spiritual life. Today’s era of materialism, consumerism and a mad rush for attaining physical comfort and pleasures is creating hollow individuals who are getting distanced from their true spiritual self. Hence, the need of a guiding hand which takes us out of this downward spiral of petty desires is more than ever. Such a guiding hand was provided by the Brahma Kumari Word Spiritual University popularly known as Brahmakumaris. Since the last more than 80 years, the Brahmakumaris are selflessly serving the society by guiding souls to the path of spiritual happiness. With almost a million regular practitioners and more than 8500 centers in over 100 countries, the Brahmakumaris are one of the largest spiritual organizations of the world. It was a great privilege for us to have Brother E.V. Girish, Sister Sonia, Sister Shreya and Brother Surender from the Brahmakumaris to help raise spiritual awakening amongst us.

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