Orientation Programme


SANKALP (Determined to Compete) –Orientation Program (2020)

Panipat Institute of Engineering and Technology is not just an institution but a home away from home, dedicatedly working towards building future of many and for many. Department of Computer Applications is working hard to fulfill all the dreams of students who have joined this institute for becoming graduates and post graduates in Computer Applications. Hence the Department organized six day Orientation Program, titled  SANKALP, to allow the students some time to adapt themselves to their changing lives, their changing routines and changing responsibilities. The department believes in a holistic development of students of utmost importance and the pool of excellent faculty puts up all possible efforts for the same. Such events are organized every year for new students to provide them direction and guidance for their courses. They are introduced with each other and with their faculty members. They are informed about their curriculum and events to be held in campus on different occasions. The second aspect of the role of orientation programme is acclimatizing students to their new environment. After moving into a new neighborhood, one would ideally take a few days to learn one’s way around the new neighborhood. Likewise, orientation should allow students to get their bearings in their new home. For some students, going to college is their first time away from home, so orientation should give them time to become familiar with their new surroundings. New students should meet their roommates and find their classrooms. Through guided tours, campus maps, or even time to just wander, orientation provides a safe avenue for new students to find their way around campus. By moving on campus before classes start, the new students are able to learn the ropes that don’t seem so green by the time the academic year begins. Students should become familiar with both physical locations, virtual platforms and the workings of the environment during orientation.

Keeping into account the pandemic of Covid-19, this year SANKALP was organized through virtual platform on 7th September – 13th September, 2020, scheduled as follows

Day1 -7th September, 2020

The students were welcomed by faculty members and Head of the department. The new batch was informed about the virtual platform for the meeting conduction.

The Director, Dr. Shakti Kumar, introduced the students with Revolution 4.0, the fourth industrial revolution and updated students with artificial intelligence and various projects going on in the college related to the same.


Dr. Dinesh Verma, Head, Dept. of Computer Applications. Welcomed the new entrants and introduced the students to members of faculty. He provided them information regarding importance of course and skills needed to add extra edge in future endeavors.

Mr. Ritesh, Director Placement, made them familiar with the placement process of various industries at PIET. He also enlightened new entrants about the Industry expectations from the students and opportunities they will get to pursue with their career.

Day2- 8th September, 2020

On day two, PIET very proudly welcomed Mr. Surya Narain Bahadur, a renowned Transformation Enabler Resource Person & Corporate Trainer at Confluence Training and Development, for enlightening students to show them the way towards a better and brighter future. He told students the importance of their course and future aspects of BCA/MCA Course. With the help of different games and stories he motivated students for participation in each type of activity whether in academic or any extracurricular activity. Surya sir trained them with occupational skills and standard operation procedure.

Day 3- 9th September 2020

Dr. Akhilesh Mishra, Head, Department of Management Studies, motivated students by giving them motivational lecture about value education. He also acquainted them with the importance of taking risks in life. Students enjoyed the session very much.

Mr. Rajan Saluja, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Applications, delivered lecture on moral values and told students about significance of ethics in life.

Day 4- 10th September, 2020

Ms. Mandeep Kaur and Ms. Sanchi Kakkar, Assistant Professors, Department of Computer Applications, took the students from routine lectures to fun activity zone virtually. Students enjoyed virtual games and online activities.

New Students then introduced themselves so that each one can be familiar with others and participated in a cultural program.

Day 5-11th September, 2020

Ms. Reema, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Applications, delivered motivational lecture on positive attitude. The key of the lecture was to stay optimistic in every situation.

Day 5-11th September, 2020

Ms. Reema, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Applications, delivered motivational lecture on positive attitude. The key of the lecture was to stay optimistic in every situation.


Mr. Sandeep Arora, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Applications, delivered lecture about trending technologies in IT industry. He showcased students top web apps trending in 2020. Students showed interest in the session and asked their queries about recent drift in the industrial scenario.

Dr. Deepak Raj, Professor, Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities, delivered lectures on the basics of Mathematics. He told students how to take out fear of mathematics from them and work on it so that it can become fun learning for them.

Day 6-14th September, 2020

Ms. Nisha, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Applications, informed students about the code of conduct and its importance during their stay in PIET. Scheme and syllabus of the course was shown to students and a virtual tour of the MS-Teams was given to students to attend class meetings.

Self-confidence and self-discipline, growth of mind set and the culture of accountability were also touched upon and hence a remarkable journey of 2020-21 begins with a new batch …

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