Business Plan Competition 2020

Department of Management studies along with ED Cell held a Business Plan Competition on 5th May 2020 on Microsoft Teams App. Entries were invited for the competition and presenters were asked to prepare a business plan for their product or service offerings in an appropriate and cost-effective way to their potential clientele. This is a major challenge faced by young entrepreneurs who are strapped for funds in the initial phase of their venture when there is limited cash flow, due to which they can’t afford any expenditure which does not bear immediate results.  Judges reviewed the complete business plans on the following criteria: Concept strength, Target Area & Customers, Economics of the business, Mode of Operations, and Sources of Finance. This event was organized to give the students a feel of that challenge and understand means to withstand and overcome it. Team Bliss Events ; Mr. Aman Sharma (BBA), Mr. Ankit (CSE), Mr. Deepak (TEX), Mr. Yash (IT) and Mr. Hari Krishan (PIET Alumni) stood first and second prize was grabbed by (Fashionista) Ms. Sonia Malik B.Tech-CSE first-year student.

The Management Department is privileged and proud at the moment and grateful to Mr. Rakesh Tayal Vice-Chairman PIET, Mr. Shubham Tayal Member BOG and Prof. Suresh Bedi for sparing out their valuable time and motivating the students.

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