Contemporary Economic Awareness Program

Jan 21, 2019

A first Contemporary Economic Awareness Programe (CEAP)Ā was organized by the Department of Management Studies (MBA). The, session was conducted byĀ Ms. Priyanka Sehgal (HoD, MBA).She helped students in understanding the basic concepts of Economics and elaborated more specifically on the mystery behind how Currency is printed in India. The theme for the program was:

ā€œEconomics is the art to meet unlimited need with scarce resources.ā€

Jan 25, 2019

The second CEAP (Contemporary Economic Awareness Program) was organized in the Department of Management Studies (MBA). The session was conducted Ā by Prof. Dr. S.K. Bedi, Chief Academic Mentor, MBA DepartmentĀ on the topic ā€œvarious Economic Issues:Ā  GDP and Growth Rateā€.
The tagline for the event was :

ā€œIf you really think environment is less important than the Economy, Try holding your breath while counting your Money.ā€

Jan 29, 2019

The Third CEAP (Contemporary Economic Awareness Program) was organized and delivered by Mr. Pulock Bhattacharya , Vice President, BSE Institute Limited and Mr. Harbinder Singh Sokhi, Trainer, BSE on ā€œInvestment techniques for capital markets.ā€ The theme for the program was:

ā€œYou donā€™t need to be a Rocket scientist; Investing is not a game where a guy with 160 IQ beats the guy with 130 IQ.ā€

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