Business Studies

COs & CO-PO Mapping

Business Organization
Subject Code: – BBA-101
Course Outcomes:- After completion of the course, students will be able to
CO 1 Develop an understanding of Business- concept, nature, scope and objectives of business, business ethics and values, corporate governance. Licensing partnership.
CO 2 Understand the Distinctive features of different forms of business organization; sole proprietor, partnership characteristics, registration, partnership deed, partner’s rights, duties and liabilities, dissolution of partnership.
CO 3 Become aware of the concepts of Joint stock company-Concept characteristics types, formation of company. Multinational companies-concept and role of MNCs Co-operative and state ownership: forms of organization, nonprofit organizations.
CO4 Understand to working and functioning of trade associations- CII, FICCI, ASSOCHAM.
Business Accounting
Subject Code: – BBA-102
Course Outcomes:- After completion of the course, students will be able to
CO 1 Understand different accounting concepts and conventions & will be able to Prepare financial statements in accordance with generally accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).
CO 2  Be familiar with the rules governing accounting transactions.
CO 3 Become aware of the concepts of financial statements analyze financial statements with the help of various tools and techniques of accountancy
CO4 Equip with the knowledge of accounting process and preparation of final accounts
Subject Code :- BBA 103
Course Outcomes:- After completion of the course, students will be able to
CO 1 Understand the concept of cost , nature of production& its relationship to business operations
CO 2 Integrate the price and output decision of the firm under different market conditions
CO 3 Analyse the cause and consequences of different market conditions
CO 4 Understand the applications demand and supply in business operations
Subject Code:  BBA-104
After the completion of the course, the students will be able to:
CO 1 Have a practical understanding of set theory, logical statements and truth tables, linear and quadratic equations.
CO 2 Have a practical understanding of permutations and combinations. Binomial theorem.

CO 3

Have a practical understanding of limits and continuity, differential calculus.
CO 4 Have a practical understanding of use of Matrices, solution to linear equations ( based on payroll ,wages and commission )
Subject Code :- BBA -105
Course Outcomes:- After completion of the course, students will be able to
CO 1 राजभाषा अधिनियम के माध्यम से बच्चे अपनी राजभाषा ,राजभाषा से जुड़े इतिहास व् इसमें आयी नयी तब्दीलियों से अवगत हो पायेंगे तथा भविष्य में उसे उसका उचित सम्मान दे पायेंगे
CO 2 पत्राचार व् अनुवाद के सवरूप, प्रकृति, तथा प्रक्रिया व् उनके विविध रूपो के माध्यम से विद्यार्थी विभिन्न भाषिक रचनाओं में उपलब्ध समृद्ध संस्कृति और विरासत से अवगत हो पाएगे
CO 3 कार्यकारी हिंदी में प्रयुक्त पारिभाषिक शब्दावली जैसे -मंत्रालयों , उपकर्मो , निगमों ,बैंको,रेलवे ,रेडियो तथा दूरदर्शन में प्रयुक्त पारिभाषिक शब्दों और वाक्यांशों का अध्ययन सीखगे
CO 4 विभिन्न विषयों पर निबंध लेखन के माध्यम से छात्र सामाजिक विषयो पर अपने विचार बेबाकी से प्रस्तुत कर सकने में न केवल सक्षम होगे  अपितु उन विषयो के सुधार के संबंध में भी कार्येकारी कदम उठा सके I
Computer Fundamentals
Subject Code: – BBA -106
Course Outcomes:- After completion of the course, students will be able to
CO 1 Understand the fundamentals of computer, hardware, software and Programming.
CO 2 Understand the use of Operating system,commands and shell script.
CO 3 Utilize the Internet Web resources and evaluate on-line e-business system.
CO 4 Develop MS Office applications knowledge and skills.
Understanding Human Behavior
Subject Code: – BBA-201
Course Outcomes:- After completion of the course, students will be able to
CO 1 Demonstrate the applicability of the concept and approaches of human behavior to understand the behavior of people in the organization.
CO 2 Understand individual behavior in organizations, including diversity, attitudes, job satisfaction, emotions, moods, personality, values, perception and decision making.
CO 3 Gain insight into the various theories of learning and factors influencing learning.
CO 4 Identify different motivational theories and evaluate motivational strategies used in a variety of organizational settings.
Micro Business Environment
Subject Code: – BBA-202
Course Outcomes:- After the completion of the course, the students will be able to:
CO 1 know the different environment like, political, technological and economic environment which affects  the business
CO 2 Understand various Economic systems.
CO 3 Understand Economic roles of government
CO 4 Acquire in-depth knowledge about legal environment
Business Statistics-I
Subject Code: – BBA -203
Course Outcomes:- After completion of the course, students will be able to
CO 1 Gain a clear conceptual understanding of the different tools and techniques of descriptive and inferential statistics.
CO 2 Select and apply relevant statistical tools in relation to the empirical problem at the end.
CO 3 Interpret the results of statistical analysis and apply the same for problem solving.
CO 4 Use Microsoft excel for the application of different statistical methods.
Management Accounting
Subject Code: – BBA-204
Course Outcomes:- After completion of the course, students will be able to:
CO 1 Have a broad understanding of fundamental concepts of management accounting.
CO 2 Have a practical understanding of budget and budgetary process.
CO 3 Have an analytical understanding of cost accounting and various cost accounting methods.
CO 4 Understand the practical application of management control techniques.
Fundamental of DBMS and Oracle
Subject Code: – BBA -205
Course Outcomes:- After completion of the course, students will be able to
CO 1 To have broad understanding of database concepts and database management system software
CO 2 To have a high-level understanding of major DBMS components and their function.
CO 3 To be able to model an application’s data requirements using conceptual modeling tools like ER diagrams and design database schemas based on the conceptual model
CO 4 To be able to write SQL commands to create tables and indexes, insert/update/delete data, and query data in a relational DBMS.
Business Communication
Subject Code: – BBA-206
Course Outcomes:- After the completion of the course, the students will be able to:
CO 1  learn Interview Skills
CO 2 The power of negotiation
CO 3 How to conduct Telephonic Conversation, which is a very special skill
CO 4 Organisation Communication
Business Law-I
Subject Code :- BBA -301
Course Outcomes:- After completion of the course, students will be able to
CO 1 Identify the fundamental legal principles behind contractual agreements.
CO 2 Having basic principles of law that apply to business transactions
CO 3 Acquire problem solving techniques and to be able to present coherent, concise legal argument
CO 4 Acquire fair knowledge of the function and importance of negotiable instruments
Principles of Retailing
Subject Code: – BBA -302
Course Outcomes:- After completion of the course, students will be able to
CO 1 Understand the impact of retailing industry on the business world, and on individuals.
CO 2 To develop an understanding of consumer motivations, shopping behaviors, and decision processes for evaluating retail offering and purchasing merchandise and services.
CO 3 To Understand how location decision, vendor selection, pricing, merchandising and its retail operation.
CO 4 To Understand how technology has changed and is changing retailing.
Principles of Banking
Subject Code :- BBA -303
Course Outcomes:- After completion of the course, students will be able to
CO 1 Understand the various services offered and various risks faced by banks
CO 2 Recognize regulatory issues that arise in banking and examine the rationale and principles of financial regulation
CO 3  Understand ethical issues in banking and consider their implications for conduct of business.
CO 4 Understand the dynamic changes of the banking industry and the policy responses because of the recent crisis
Fundamentals of E-Commerce
Subject Code :- BBA -304
Course Outcomes:- After the completion of the course, the students will be able to:
CO 1 To gain practical understanding of the e commerce benefits and implications for accounting professionals.
CO 2 To have a practical understanding of the regulatory environment
CO 3 Have an appropriate understanding of the electronic data interchange and concept of value added networks
CO 4 To have a practical understanding of the risk management and web based marketing.
Export Procedure and Documentation
Subject Code: – BBA-305
Course Outcomes:- After the completion of the course, the students will be able to:
CO 1 Evaluate the global business environment in terms of economic, legal, and social aspects.
CO 2 Analyze the principle of international business and strategies adopted by firms for exporting products globally.
CO 3 Apprise them with the documentation procedures and its sanctity in international business.
CO 4 Critically evaluate the risks associated with international business.
Principles of Production Management
Subject Code :- BBA -306
Course Outcomes:- After completion of the course, students will be able to
CO 1 Understand  the different production system & organisation of production function
CO 2 Understand  to take  effective decisions & mechanism of planning & control in production
CO 3  Have an insight into mechanism of production management through requisition, ordering, purchasing, warehousing, storing & placing
CO 4 Understand  the different techniques of inventory control and quality control
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