Business Organization | |
Subject Code: – BBA-101 | |
Course Outcomes:- After completion of the course, students will be able to | |
CO 1 | Develop an understanding of Business- concept, nature, scope and objectives of business, business ethics and values, corporate governance. Licensing partnership. |
CO 2 | Understand the Distinctive features of different forms of business organization; sole proprietor, partnership characteristics, registration, partnership deed, partner’s rights, duties and liabilities, dissolution of partnership. |
CO 3 | Become aware of the concepts of Joint stock company-Concept characteristics types, formation of company. Multinational companies-concept and role of MNCs Co-operative and state ownership: forms of organization, nonprofit organizations. |
CO4 | Understand to working and functioning of trade associations- CII, FICCI, ASSOCHAM. |
Business Accounting | |
Subject Code: – BBA-102 | |
Course Outcomes:- After completion of the course, students will be able to | |
CO 1 | Understand different accounting concepts and conventions & will be able to Prepare financial statements in accordance with generally accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). |
CO 2 | Be familiar with the rules governing accounting transactions. |
CO 3 | Become aware of the concepts of financial statements analyze financial statements with the help of various tools and techniques of accountancy |
CO4 | Equip with the knowledge of accounting process and preparation of final accounts |
Subject Code :- BBA 103 | |
Course Outcomes:- After completion of the course, students will be able to | |
CO 1 | Understand the concept of cost , nature of production& its relationship to business operations |
CO 2 | Integrate the price and output decision of the firm under different market conditions |
CO 3 | Analyse the cause and consequences of different market conditions |
CO 4 | Understand the applications demand and supply in business operations |
Subject Code: BBA-104 | |
After the completion of the course, the students will be able to: | |
CO 1 | Have a practical understanding of set theory, logical statements and truth tables, linear and quadratic equations. |
CO 2 | Have a practical understanding of permutations and combinations. Binomial theorem. |
CO 3 |
Have a practical understanding of limits and continuity, differential calculus. |
CO 4 | Have a practical understanding of use of Matrices, solution to linear equations ( based on payroll ,wages and commission ) |
Subject Code :- BBA -105 | |
Course Outcomes:- After completion of the course, students will be able to | |
CO 1 | राजभाषा अधिनियम के माध्यम से बच्चे अपनी राजभाषा ,राजभाषा से जुड़े इतिहास व् इसमें आयी नयी तब्दीलियों से अवगत हो पायेंगे तथा भविष्य में उसे उसका उचित सम्मान दे पायेंगे |
CO 2 | पत्राचार व् अनुवाद के सवरूप, प्रकृति, तथा प्रक्रिया व् उनके विविध रूपो के माध्यम से विद्यार्थी विभिन्न भाषिक रचनाओं में उपलब्ध समृद्ध संस्कृति और विरासत से अवगत हो पाएगे |
CO 3 | कार्यकारी हिंदी में प्रयुक्त पारिभाषिक शब्दावली जैसे -मंत्रालयों , उपकर्मो , निगमों ,बैंको,रेलवे ,रेडियो तथा दूरदर्शन में प्रयुक्त पारिभाषिक शब्दों और वाक्यांशों का अध्ययन सीखगे |
CO 4 | विभिन्न विषयों पर निबंध लेखन के माध्यम से छात्र सामाजिक विषयो पर अपने विचार बेबाकी से प्रस्तुत कर सकने में न केवल सक्षम होगे अपितु उन विषयो के सुधार के संबंध में भी कार्येकारी कदम उठा सके I |
Computer Fundamentals | |
Subject Code: – BBA -106 | |
Course Outcomes:- After completion of the course, students will be able to | |
CO 1 | Understand the fundamentals of computer, hardware, software and Programming. |
CO 2 | Understand the use of Operating system,commands and shell script. |
CO 3 | Utilize the Internet Web resources and evaluate on-line e-business system. |
CO 4 | Develop MS Office applications knowledge and skills. |
Understanding Human Behavior | |
Subject Code: – BBA-201 | |
Course Outcomes:- After completion of the course, students will be able to | |
CO 1 | Demonstrate the applicability of the concept and approaches of human behavior to understand the behavior of people in the organization. |
CO 2 | Understand individual behavior in organizations, including diversity, attitudes, job satisfaction, emotions, moods, personality, values, perception and decision making. |
CO 3 | Gain insight into the various theories of learning and factors influencing learning. |
CO 4 | Identify different motivational theories and evaluate motivational strategies used in a variety of organizational settings. |
Micro Business Environment | |
Subject Code: – BBA-202 | |
Course Outcomes:- After the completion of the course, the students will be able to: | |
CO 1 | know the different environment like, political, technological and economic environment which affects the business |
CO 2 | Understand various Economic systems. |
CO 3 | Understand Economic roles of government |
CO 4 | Acquire in-depth knowledge about legal environment |
Business Statistics-I | |
Subject Code: – BBA -203 | |
Course Outcomes:- After completion of the course, students will be able to | |
CO 1 | Gain a clear conceptual understanding of the different tools and techniques of descriptive and inferential statistics. |
CO 2 | Select and apply relevant statistical tools in relation to the empirical problem at the end. |
CO 3 | Interpret the results of statistical analysis and apply the same for problem solving. |
CO 4 | Use Microsoft excel for the application of different statistical methods. |
Management Accounting | |
Subject Code: – BBA-204 | |
Course Outcomes:- After completion of the course, students will be able to: | |
CO 1 | Have a broad understanding of fundamental concepts of management accounting. |
CO 2 | Have a practical understanding of budget and budgetary process. |
CO 3 | Have an analytical understanding of cost accounting and various cost accounting methods. |
CO 4 | Understand the practical application of management control techniques. |
Fundamental of DBMS and Oracle | |
Subject Code: – BBA -205 | |
Course Outcomes:- After completion of the course, students will be able to | |
CO 1 | To have broad understanding of database concepts and database management system software |
CO 2 | To have a high-level understanding of major DBMS components and their function. |
CO 3 | To be able to model an application’s data requirements using conceptual modeling tools like ER diagrams and design database schemas based on the conceptual model |
CO 4 | To be able to write SQL commands to create tables and indexes, insert/update/delete data, and query data in a relational DBMS. |
Business Communication | |
Subject Code: – BBA-206 | |
Course Outcomes:- After the completion of the course, the students will be able to: | |
CO 1 | learn Interview Skills |
CO 2 | The power of negotiation |
CO 3 | How to conduct Telephonic Conversation, which is a very special skill |
CO 4 | Organisation Communication |
Business Law-I | |
Subject Code :- BBA -301 | |
Course Outcomes:- After completion of the course, students will be able to | |
CO 1 | Identify the fundamental legal principles behind contractual agreements. |
CO 2 | Having basic principles of law that apply to business transactions |
CO 3 | Acquire problem solving techniques and to be able to present coherent, concise legal argument |
CO 4 | Acquire fair knowledge of the function and importance of negotiable instruments |
Principles of Retailing | |
Subject Code: – BBA -302 | |
Course Outcomes:- After completion of the course, students will be able to | |
CO 1 | Understand the impact of retailing industry on the business world, and on individuals. |
CO 2 | To develop an understanding of consumer motivations, shopping behaviors, and decision processes for evaluating retail offering and purchasing merchandise and services. |
CO 3 | To Understand how location decision, vendor selection, pricing, merchandising and its retail operation. |
CO 4 | To Understand how technology has changed and is changing retailing. |
Principles of Banking | |
Subject Code :- BBA -303 | |
Course Outcomes:- After completion of the course, students will be able to | |
CO 1 | Understand the various services offered and various risks faced by banks |
CO 2 | Recognize regulatory issues that arise in banking and examine the rationale and principles of financial regulation |
CO 3 | Understand ethical issues in banking and consider their implications for conduct of business. |
CO 4 | Understand the dynamic changes of the banking industry and the policy responses because of the recent crisis |
Fundamentals of E-Commerce | |
Subject Code :- BBA -304 | |
Course Outcomes:- After the completion of the course, the students will be able to: | |
CO 1 | To gain practical understanding of the e commerce benefits and implications for accounting professionals. |
CO 2 | To have a practical understanding of the regulatory environment |
CO 3 | Have an appropriate understanding of the electronic data interchange and concept of value added networks |
CO 4 | To have a practical understanding of the risk management and web based marketing. |
Export Procedure and Documentation | |
Subject Code: – BBA-305 | |
Course Outcomes:- After the completion of the course, the students will be able to: | |
CO 1 | Evaluate the global business environment in terms of economic, legal, and social aspects. |
CO 2 | Analyze the principle of international business and strategies adopted by firms for exporting products globally. |
CO 3 | Apprise them with the documentation procedures and its sanctity in international business. |
CO 4 | Critically evaluate the risks associated with international business. |
Principles of Production Management | |
Subject Code :- BBA -306 | |
Course Outcomes:- After completion of the course, students will be able to | |
CO 1 | Understand the different production system & organisation of production function |
CO 2 | Understand to take effective decisions & mechanism of planning & control in production |
CO 3 | Have an insight into mechanism of production management through requisition, ordering, purchasing, warehousing, storing & placing |
CO 4 | Understand the different techniques of inventory control and quality control |