
Soil Mechanics and Geotechnology Lab

In soil mechanics and Geotechnology lab students gain hands-on experience in conducting soil laboratory tests to determine soil parameters needed for soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering design. Further the laboratory involves determination of moisture content, density, plastic limit, liquid limit, shrinkage limit, bearing capacity, grain size distribution and specific gravity of soil. The laboratory also has the facility to study the physical properties of soil. Facilities are available for determination of shear strength, water content, specific gravity of the soil by using direct shear test, pycnometer and core cutter method.

List of experiments

  • Visual soil classification and water content determination.
  • Determination of specific gravity of soil solids.
  • Grain size analysis-sieve analysis.
  • Liquid limit and plastic limit determination.
  • Field density by Sand replacement and Core cutter method.
  • Proctor’s compaction test.
  • Coefficient of permeability of soils.
  • Unconfined compressive strength test.
  • Direct shear test on granular soil sample.
  • Unconsolidated undrained triaxial shear test of fine grained soil sample.


Digital Oven 18” x 18”,Weighing Balance 20 kg, Weighing Balance 6 kg, Liquid Limit Kit, Plastic Limit Kit, Sand Replacement Kit, Core Cutter ( dolly + rammer ), Proctor ( mould + rammer ), Permeability ( mould + stand ), Triaxial Machine with Spare, Direct Shear Machine with Spare.

Structural Mechanics Lab

The Structural Mechanics Lab facilitates in the determination of the effects of loads on civil structures and their components. The test results obtained from the analysis in structural mechanics lab are used to verify structure’s fitness for use. The primary activities in structural mechanics lab include ambient vibration studies, experimental studies on model/prototype of structural elements and assemblies under various static and dynamic load conditions.

List of experiments

  • Verification of reciprocal theorem of deflection using a simply supported beam.
  • Verification of moment area theorem for slopes and deflections of the beam.
  • Horizontal and vertical deflection of various joints of a pin-jointed truss.
  • Elastic displacements (vertical and horizontal) of curved members.
  • Experimental analysis of three hinged arch and influence line for horizontal thrust.
  • Experimental investigation on behavior of struts with various end conditions.
  • Determination of elastic properties of a beam.
  • Uniaxial tension test for steel (plain and deformed bars)
  • Uniaxial compression test on concrete and bricks specimens.


Clark’s Maxwell Reciprocal Theorem Apparatus, Curved Member Apparatus, Column & Strut Apparatus, Dial Gauge, Elastically Coupled Member Apparatus, Magnetic Base, Redundant Joint Apparatus, Truss Apparatus, Three Hinged Arch Apparatus, Unsymmetrical Bending Apparatus, Vernier Calliper.

Surveying Lab

Surveying lab includes essential measurements to determine the relative position of points or physical and cultural details above, on, or beneath the surface of the Earth, and to depict them in a usable form, or to establish the position of points or details. This lab also includes the application of Chain, Compass, Plane Table, Theodolite, Auto level, Dumpy level and Total Station.

List of experiments

  • To plot a traverse of a given area by chain surveying and locate offsets.
  • To plot a traverse of a given area with the help of a compass and a chain.
  • To work out relative elevations of various points on the ground by performing profile or by fly leveling.
  • To plot a longitudinal section and cross section of given alignment.
  • To determine the difference in elevations of two points by reciprocal leveling.
  • To plot a contour map of given area.
  • To determine the position of station occupied by plane table using three point problem.
  • To determine the position of station occupied by plane table using two point problem.
  • Use of a tangent clinometer with plane table.


Arrows, Alidade, Auto level, Chain 20 m, Chain 30 m, Dumpy level, Electronic Theodolite, Levelling Staff, Plumb Bob, Prismatic Compass, Plane Table, Plumbing Fork, Optical Square, Tape 20 m, Tape 15 m, Tripod Stand ( prismatic compass ), Tripod Stand ( dumpy level ), Tripod Stand ( plane table ), Tripod Stand ( auto level ), Tripod Stand ( theodolite ), Tripod Stand ( digital theodolite ), Trough Compass, Theodolite, Spirit level, Tangent Clinometer, Wooden Peg

Transportation Engineering Lab

Transportation Engineering Lab is used for testing of rigid and flexible pavement and pavement materials. The laboratory deals with the experimental evaluation of abrasion value, crushing strength and impact value of the aggregates. It has the facility to study the physical properties of aggregates.

List of experiments:

  • To determine the toughness of the aggregate by aggregate impact test.
  • To determine the hardness of the aggregate by Los-Angeles Abrasion Test.
  • To determine the hardness of the aggregate by Dorry’s Abrasion Test on aggregates.
  • To determine the hardness of the aggregate by Deval Attrition Test on aggregates.
  • To determine the Crushing Strength Test on aggregates.
  • To determine the grade and hardness of the bitumen by Penetration Test.
  • To determine the elastic property of the bitumen by Ductility Test.
  • To determine the grade and hardness of the bitumen by Viscosity Test.
  • To determine the Softening Point Test on Bitumen.
  • To determine the Flash and Fire Point Test on Bitumen.


Ductility Testing Machine with Accessories, Aggregate Impact Tester, Bitumen Pentrometer with Accessories, Crushing Vane Apparatus with Accessories, Dorry Abrasion Machine, Dovel Attrition Machine, Flash & Fire Apparatus, Los Angeles Machine with Accessories, Softening Point Apparatus with Accessories, Tar Viscometer, Tool Box, Beaker (500 ml.),CBR Apparatus with Accessories, Density Basket, Elongation Gauge, Flakiness Gauge, Marshall Test Apparatus, Oven 24’’ X 24’’, Pycnometer, Specific Gravity, Sieve Shaker, Machine with Accessories, Water Bath 50 litre, Bitumen Extractor, Bitumen Aggregate Mixer, Bitumen Melting Pan, Mixing Bowl.

Fluid Mechanics Lab

The objective of this laboratory is to determine the various parameters related to fluid flow in pipes and in open channels. At present it is equipped with hydraulic benches and stand-alone equipment to carry out various experiments.

List of experiments

  • To determine metacentric height of a ship model.
  • To verify the Bernoulli’s theorem.
  • To determine coefficient of discharge of a venturi meter.
  • To determine the various hydraulic coefficients of an orifice (Cd, Cc, Cv).
  • To determine coefficient of discharge for an Orifice under variable head.
  • To calibrate a given notch.
  • To determine coefficient of discharge for a mouth piece.
  • Drawing of a flow net by Viscous Analogy Model and Sand Box Model.
  • To study development of boundary layer over a flat plate.
  • To study velocity distribution in a rectangular open channel.
  • Velocity measurements by current meter, float, and double float (demonstration only)
  • Experiment on vortex formation (demonstration only).


Venturimeter, Orificemeter, Pitot tube, Losses in Pipe Line Apparatus, Centrifugal Pump, Tilting Fume, V- Notch Apparatus, Reynolds Apparatus, Stokes Law Apparatus.

Concrete Lab

Concrete is the most widely used construction material. The concrete laboratory tests every component in the concrete mix design as well as the concrete mix itself. The lab provides evaluation of the plastic properties of the mix as well as the hardened properties.

List of experiments

  • To determine the standard consistency, initial and final setting time of cement using Vicat’s apparatus.
  • To determine the Fineness of cement by Sieve analysis and Blaine’s air permeability method.
  • To determine specific gravity of cement and soundness of cement by Le Chatelier’s apparatus.
  • To determine the compressive strength of cement.
  • To determine the fineness modulus, bulk density, water absorption and specific gravity of fine aggregates.
  • To determine the fineness modulus, bulk density, water absorption and specific gravity of coarse aggregates.
  • Mix design of concrete by IS methods.
  • Workability of cement concrete by Slump test, Compaction factor test and Flow table test.
  • To determine the compressive strength of concrete by cube test, cylinder test.
  • To determine the split tensile and flexural strength of concrete.
  • To determine the bond strength between steel bar and concrete by pull-out test.
  • To evaluate the non-destructive testing of concrete by Rebound hammer, ultrasonic pulse velocity test.
  • To determine the compressive strength of brick and tile as per IS standard.


Asbestos Gloves, Blain Air Permeability, Brass Sieves 8”, Beam Mould (10x10x50), Beam Mould (10x10x20), Concrete Mixer, Compaction Factor, Compression Testing Machine Digital, Cube Mould (15×15 cm), Cube Mould (70.6 x 70.6 ), Cylendrical Mould ( 15 x 30 ), Cylendrical Measure, Digital Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity, Digital Compressometer, Digital Stop Watch, Density Spoon, Density Scoop, Flow Table Motorised, Flexural Testing, Machine Hand Operated, Gauging Trowel, Glass Thermameter, Hot Plate, Heat of Hydration, le Chatelier Apparatus, length & Thickness Gauge, Plastic Measuring Cylinder 100 ml, Plastic Measuring Cylinder 200 ml, Plastic Measuring Cylinder 250 ml, Plastic Measuring Cylinder 500 ml, Plastic Measuring Cylinder 1000 ml, Pycnometer, Rubber Gloves, Rubber Mallet, Sieve Shaker Motorised, Sieve 18” G.I., Slump Test, Standard Sand,Spatula 6” , Tamping Rod, Trimming Knife, Vee-Bee Consistometer, Vicat Needle.

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Panipat Institute of Engineering & Technology (PIET)