Computer Applications

Seminar/Workshop/Faculty Development program/ Short term courses

Departmental FDP

  • An Internal FDP was organized in the month of December in which every faculty member presented a topic based on their area of interest.
  • An Internal FDP was organized in the month of December in which every faculty member presented a topic based on their area of interest.

Android Workshop

  • An android workshop was held on 28th Nov’2017. Officials from Netsmartz came to conduct the workshop.

Guest Lecture

  • A guest lecture on topic “Recent trends in Computing Industry” by Mr. Rajesh Sapra organized on 14 March’2018.

Industrial Visit

  • MCA students went to Netsmartz, Chandigarh for industrial visit on 11th January’2018.
Workshops, FDPs and Short Term Courses Attended
Year Name of Faculty Name of Workshop/FDP/Short Term Course Attended by faculty  Date Duration Organized By
2020-2021 Dr. Dinesh Verma Learning practical research skills and techniques 10-08-20 to 14-08-20 One Week Galgotias University
2020-2021 Dr. Dinesh Verma Computer Forensics and Cyber Crime 14-12-2020 to 19-12-2020 One Week JSS Academy of Technical Education, Noida
2020-2021 Ms. Reema Student Internship Program Powered by IIT Bombay 10-6-2020 One Day Shri Sai college of Engineering and Technology
2020-2021 Ms. Reema FDP on Android App using Kotlin 26-7-2020 to 30-7-2020 One Week IIT Spoken Tutorial Bombay
2020-2021 Ms. Reema Design of Soft computing based Machine learning models 17-5-2021 to 22-5-2021 One week PIET, Samalkha
2020-2021 Ms Mandeep Word of Cyber physical systems and future robotics of industry 11-07-2020 to 12-07-2020 Two days R.C Patel institute of technology, Shirpur
2020-2021 Ms Mandeep Android App using Kotlin 26-07-2020 to 30-07-2020 One Week IIT Bombay
2020-2021 Ms Mandeep Research Paper writing using LaTex 20-07-2020 to 24-07-2020 One Week IIT Bombay
2020-2021 Ms Mandeep Linux Ubuntu 03-09-2020 to 7-09-2020 One Week IIT Bombay
2020-2021 Ms Mandeep Python 29-08-2020 to 02-09-2020 One Weer IIT Bombay
2020-2021 Ms. Nisha Android App using Kotlin 26-07-2020 to 30-07-2020 One Week IIT Bombay
2020-2021 Ms. Nisha Research Paper writing using LaTex 20-07-2020 to 24-07-2020 One Week IIT Bombay
2020-2021 Ms. Nisha Moral Values and Professional ethics 19-10-2020 to 24-10-2020 One Week PIET, Samalkha
2020-2021 Ms. Nisha Deep Learning Applications and Challenges in Big Data Analytics 17-08-2020 to 22-08-2020 One Week Velalar College of Engineering & Technology, Tamil Nadu
2020-2021 Ms. Nisha Recent Trends in Signal and Data Processing 10-08-2020 to 14-08-2020 One Week PIET, Samalkha
2020-2021 Ms. Nisha Design of Soft computing based Machine learning models 07-06-2021 to 12-06-2021 One Week PIET, Samalkha
2019-2020 Dr.Dinesh Verma Soft Computing app to Design of Intelligent system organized by PIET(CSE Deptt.) 18-7-2019 to 20-7-2019 Three Days PIET, Samalkha
2019-2020 Dr.Dinesh Verma Big Data Analytics Course organized by NITTTR 3-2-2020 to 7-2-2020 One Week NITTTR, Chandigarh
2019-2020 Dr. Dinesh Verma Software Project Management 11-05-2020 to 16-05-2020 One Week Chitkara University
2019-2020 Dr. Dinesh Verma Recent Trends in Science and technology 15-06-20 to 20-06-2020 One Week Suresh Gyan Vihar University
2019-2020 Mr. Rajan Big Data Analytics Course organized by NITTTR 3-2-2020 to 7-2-2020 One Week NITTTR, Chandigarh
2019-2020 Mr. Rajan Strengthening Industry Academia Integration in Technical Institutions . 09-12-2019 to13-12-2019 One Week NITTTR, Chandigarh
2019-2020 Mr. Rajan Data Analytics and Machine Learning 17-12-2019-21-12-2019 One Week PIET, Samalkha
2019-2020 Mr. Rajan Entrepreneurship & Innovation 08-7-2019-12-07-2019 One Week PIET, Samalkha
2019-2020 Mr. Rajan Staff Development Program organized by PIET 27-06-2019-29-06-2019 Three Days PIET, Samalkha
2019-2020 Mr. Rajan Android Workshop 26-07-2020-30-07-2020 One Week PIET, Samalkha
2019-2020 Mr. Satyawan Big Data Analytics Course organized by NITTTR 3-2-2020 to 7-2-2020 One Week NITTTR, Chandigarh
2019-2020 Mr. Satyawan Strengthening Industry Academia Integration in Technical Institutions . 09-12-2019 to13-12-2019 One Week NITTTR, Chandigarh
2019-2020 Ms.Reema Strengthening Industry Academia Integration in Technical Institutions . 09-12-2019 to13-12-2019 One Week NITTTR, Chandigarh
2019-2020 Ms.Reema Big Data Analytics Course organized by NITTTR 3-2-2020 to 7-2-2020 One Week NITTTR, Chandigarh
2019-2020 Ms. Reema FDP on Research and Innovation 5-6-2020 to 9-6-2020 One Week Shri Sai college of Engineering and Technology
2019-2020 Ms. Reema FDP on Advance Technologies in CIVil Engineering 9-6-2020 to 13-6-2020 One Week PIET, Samalkha
2019-2020 Ms. Reema Workshop COs Articulation and Mapping with POs: Hands-On Approach 15-6-2020 One day NITTR
2019-2020 Ms. Reema E-Content Dissemination and Collaborative Learning Using Wakalet 8-6-2020 One Day Shri Sai college of Engineering and Technology
2019-2020 Ms. Reema FDP on data science specialization with big data 22-6-2020 to 27 june 2020 One week REGEX technologies
2019-2020 Mr. Rohit Big Data Analytics Course organized by NITTTR 3-2-2020 to 7-2-2020 One Week NITTTR, Chandigarh
2019-2020 Ms Mandeep Big Data Analytics Course organized by NITTTR 3-2-2020 to 7-2-2020 One Week NITTTR, Chandigarh
2019-2020 Ms Mandeep Soft Computing app to Design of Intelligent system organized by PIET(CSE Deptt.) 18-7-2019 to 20-7-2019 Three Days PIET, Samalkha
2019-2020 Ms Mandeep Moral Values and Professional ethics 26-10-20 ti 31-10-20 One Week PIET, Samalkha
2019-2020 Ms Mandeep FDP on Python 3.4.3 20-05-2020 to 29-05-2020 Two Week IIT Bombay
2019-2020 Ms Mandeep Workshop on COs Articulation and Mapping with POs: Hands-On Approach 15-06-2020 One Day NITTTR, Chandigarh
2019-2020 Dr.Rashmi Big Data Analytics Course organized by NITTTR 3-2-2020 to 7-2-2020 One Week NITTTR, Chandigarh
2019-2020 Mr. Sandeep Big Data Analytics Course organized by NITTTR 3-2-2020 to 7-2-2020 One Week NITTTR, Chandigarh
2019-2020 Ms.Sanchi Soft Computing app to Design of Intelligent system organized by PIET(CSE Deptt.) 18-7-2019 to 20-7-2019 Three Days PIET, Samalkha
2019-2020 Ms.Sanchi Big Data Analytics Course organized by NITTTR 3-2-2020 to 7-2-2020 One Week NITTTR, Chandigarh
2019-2020 Ms.Nisha Big Data Analytics Course organized by NITTTR 3-2-2020 to 7-2-2020 One Week NITTTR, Chandigarh
2019-2020 Ms. Nisha “Global Pandemic Outbreak: Role of Technology & Automation (GPORTA) 01-06-2020 to 05-06-2020 One Week JSS Academy of Technical Education, Noida
2019-2020 Ms. Nisha Secret Recipe to be Skilful 10-05-2020 One Day The NorthCap University, Gurugram
2019-2020 Ms. Nisha Photonics: State of the Art 16-05-2020 One Day PIET, Samalkha
2019-2020 Ms. Nisha Applications of IOT 16-06-2020 to 20-06-2020 One Week NITTTR, Chandigarh
2019-2020 Ms. Nisha COs Articulation and Mapping with POs: Hands-On Approach 15-06-2020 One Day NITTTR, Chandigarh
2019-2020 Ms. Nisha Future of AI 20-06-2020 One Day PanTech Solutions
2019-2020 Ms. Nisha Research and Innovation 05-06-2020 to 09-06-2020 One Week Sri Sai College of Engineering and Technology, Kapurthala
2019-2020 Ms. Nisha E-Content Dissemination and Collaborative Learning Using Wakalet 08-06-2020 One Day Sri Sai College of Engineering and Technology, Kapurthala
2019-2020 Ms. Nisha Quadrants of MOOCs & E-Content Development 09-06-2020 One Day Sri Sai College of Engineering and Technology, Kapurthala
2019-2020 Ms. Nisha Student Internship Program Powered by IIT Bombay 10-06-2020 One Day Sri Sai College of Engineering and Technology, Kapurthala
2018-2019 Dr.Dinesh Verma Staff Development Program organized by PIET(CSE Deptt.) 27-6-19 to 29-6-19 Three Days PIET, Samalkha
2018-2019 Mr. Rajan FDP on I Am Accountable organized by PIET 28-7-2018 One Day PIET, Samalkha
2018-2019 Mr. Rajan Mobile Multimedia & Internet 6-08-2018-10-08-2018 One Week PIET, Samalkha
2018-2019 Ms.Reema Mobile Multimedia & Internet organized by PIET 6-8-2018 to 10-8-2018 One Week PIET, Samalkha
2018-2019 Ms.Reema FDP on I Am Accountable organized by PIET 28-7-2018 One Day PIET, Samalkha
2018-2019 Ms.Reema Data Sci and Big Data Analysis organized by DELL EMC 20-5-2019 to 24-5-2019 One Week DELL EMC
2018-2019 Mr. Rohit FDP on I Am Accountable organized by PIET 28-7-2018 One Day PIET, Samalkha
2018-2019 Ms Mandeep Mobile Multimedia & Internet organized by PIET 6-8-2018 to 10-8-2018 One Week PIET, Samalkha
2018-2019 Mr. Sandeep Staff Development Program organized by PIET(CSE Deptt.) 27-6-19 to 29-6-19 Three Days PIET, Samalkha
2018-2019 Ms.Sanchi FDP on I Am Accountable organized by PIET 28-7-2018 One Day PIET, Samalkha
2018-2019 Ms.Nisha FDP on I Am Accountable organized by PIET 28-7-2018 One Day PIET, Samalkha
2018-2019 Ms.Nisha Mobile Multimedia & Internet organized by PIET 6-8-2018 to 10-8-2018 One Week PIET, Samalkha
2018-2019 Ms.Nisha Data Sci and Big Data Analysis organized by DELL EMC 20-5-2019 to 24-5-2019 One Week DELL EMC
2018-2019 Dr. Rashmi Singh Current Trends in Cyber Crime and Security 27-01-2018 to 31-01-2018 One Week MNIT, Allahabad
2017-2018 Ms. Reema Android Workshop 28-11-2017 One Day SEBIZ
2017-2018 Mr. Rohit Sharma Cloud Computing Through ICT 23-10-2017 to 27-10-2017 One Week NITTTR
2017-2018 Mr. Rohit Sharma Android Workshop 28-11-2017 One Day SEBIZ
2017-2018 Dr.Rashmi Two weeks Training courses on Cyber Security organized by BBAU(Lucknow). 1-2-2018 to 15-2-2018 Two Weeks BBAU, LACKNOW
2017-2018 Dr. Rashmi Singh Effective Image Processing Tools for Novice: Learn Image Processing for Contemporary Applications 01-12-2017 to 02-12-2017 2-Days IIIT, Allahabad
2017-2018 Dr. Rashmi Singh FDP on Research Methodology 04-12-2017 to 09-12-2017 One Week Uttaranchal University
2017-2018 Dr. Rashmi Singh Three week Research Methodology Course 05-01-2017 to 28-10-2017 Three Week BBAU, LUCKNOW
2017-2018 Dr. Rashmi Singh FDP on Natural Language Processing 25-07-2017 to 29-07-2017 One Week Hindustan College of Science & Technology, Mathura
2017-2018 Dr. Rashmi Singh Emerging Reseach Trends in Computer Science 20-03-2017 to 24-03-2017 One Week BBAU, LUCKNOW
2016-2017 Mr. Rohit Sharma Cloud Computing Through ICT 05-12-2016 to 09-12-2016 one week NITTTR
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Panipat Institute of Engineering & Technology (PIET)