Computer Science & Engineering (AI & ML)

Student Skill Courses

List of Add on courses attended by the students
Sr. No. Academic Session Program Semester Name of the Add on Course Student Count (of Students who attended the program)
1 2020-24 B.Tech (CSE AIML) 7th Sem. Course era (Deep learning, Machine learning and Neural network) 3
List of online (Skilzcafe) Certifications by the students
Sr. No. Academic Session Program Semester Name of the Certificate Course Student Count (of Students who attended the course)
1. 2020-24 B.Tech (CSE-AIML) 7th Sem. Python Programming 3
2. 2020-24 B.Tech (CSE-AIML) 7th Sem. Machine learning,Deep learning and Bootcamp 3
3 2020-24 B.Tech (CSE-AIML) 7th Sem. Skillszcafe 2
4 2020-24 B.Tech (CSE- AIML) 7th Sem. AWS 1


List of IIT Bombay Spoken Tutorial Programs attended by the students
Sr. No. Academic Session Program Semester Name of the Course Student Count (of Students who attended the course)
1. 2020-24 B.Tech (CSE-AIML) 7th Sem. IIT Bombay Spoken Tutorial (C++) 5
2 2020-24 B.Tech (CSE-AIML) 7th Sem. IIT Bombay Spoken Tutorial (Python 3.4.3) 7
3 2020-24 B.Tech (CSE-AIML) 7th Sem. IIT Bombay Spoken Tutorial (C) 3


List of IBM Certifications of the students
Sr. No. Academic Session & Date Program Semester Name of the Certification Student Count (of Students who attended the certification)
1. 2020-24 B.Tech (CSE-AIML) 7th Sem. Design Thinking 8
2. 2020-24 B.Tech (CSE AIML) 7th Sem. Agile Development 5
3. 2020-24 B.Tech (CSE-AIML) 7th Sem. Python 7


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