Computer Science & Engineering (Cyber Security)

Student Skill Courses

List of Add on courses attended by the students
Srl No Program Session Name of the Add on Course Student Count. (who attended the program)
1. B.Tech. CS 2022-2023 Imarticus Learning 28
2. B.Tech. CS 2021-2022 Imarticus Learning 26
3 B.Tech. CS 2020-2021 Oracle 33
4. B.Tech. CS 2023-2024 EC Council 10
List of MOOCs (NPTEL, SWYAM) attended by the students
Sr. No. Academic Session Program Semester Name of the Course Student Count (who attended the program)
1. 2022-23 NPTEL online certification (12 weeks) 6 Ethical Hacking 1
2. 2022-23 NPTEL online certification (12 weeks) 6 Computer Networks and Internet Protocol 1
List of IIT Bombay Spoken Tutorial Programs attended by the students
Sr. No. Academic Session Program Semester Name of the Course Student Count (who attended the course)
1. 2024-2025 B.Tech. CS 3 Introduction to Computer 32
2. 2024-2025 B.Tech. CS 5 Advanced CPP 38
3. 2024-2025 B.Tech. CS 7 Web Development (HTML) 25
4. 2023-2024 B.Tech. CS 3 Web Development (HTML) 38
5. 2023-2024 B.Tech. CS 5 Python 3.4.3 25
6. 2023-2024 B.Tech. CS 7 Linux 20
7. 2023-2024 B.Tech. CS 3 Python 3.4.3 38
8. 2023-2024 B.Tech. CS 5 Linux 25
9. 2023-2024 B.Tech. CS 7 Python 3.4.3 26
List of IBM Certifications of the students
Sr. No. Academic Session & Date Program Semester Name of the Certification Student Count (who attended the certification)
1. 2023-2024 B.Tech. CS 3 IBM 5
2. 2023-2024 B.Tech. CS 5 IBM 7
3 2022-2023 B.Tech. CS 5 IBM Cloud Fundamental 15
4 2022-2023 B.Tech. CS 6 Cyber security role, process and operating security 6
5 2020-2021 B.Tech. CS 3 Introduction to the cyber security tools and attacks 7
6 2020-2021 B.Tech. CS 3 Design thinking 4
7 2020-2021 B.Tech. CS 3 Introduction to the python 3
8 2020-2021 B.Tech. CS 3 Agile training module 2
List of Value Added Courses
S No Session Name of course Number of Students completing the course
1 2021-22 Ethical Hacking Tools 20
2 2022-23 Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies 43
3 2023-24 Cloud Security Fundamentals 63
4 2024-25 Blockchain for Enterprises 26
5 2024-25 Network Fundamentals 38
6 2024-25 Introduction to Cyber Security 36
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