Computer Science & Engineering

IEEE PIET Student Branch

The IEEE Student Branch of PIET, SAMALKHA was formed on July 18, 2019. It is a technical community of doctoral, masters, and undergraduate students dedicated to organize social and technical activities that promotes sharing of knowledge in science, technology, and engineering. This Student Branch falls under IEEE Delhi Section in Region 10 (Asia Pacific). The focus of this association is to create awareness and encourage students to utilize the benefits of IEEE membership, including scholarships, competitions, and conference grants. The Student Branch also intends to provide opportunities for students to network with peers in other institutes, academicians, professionals, engineers, and scientists through the on campus IEEE Student Branch and the Local IEEE Section, thereby encouraging students to be a part of the global IEEE community. An expert lecture delivered on “Virtual Implementation for Controlled Vehicle Navigation” by eminent Chief Guest Prof. Prerna Gaur (Delhi Section Chair, IEEE Delhi Section).

PIET IEEE STUDENT BRANCH celebrated International Women’s Day and Holi in March, 2020- The Festival of Happiness on the theme – “Radhya – The Power Potency of Krishna”. The society conducted Speech and Poster making contest and Design contest on “Women Safety Mobile Applications, in which students participated with full enthusiasm.

As we know that women are the roots of the nation. In a rapidly developing country like INDIA, women are playing major role in every field. A women is filled with potion of kindness, honesty, dedication and empathy. She nurtures and enriches her own life and those around her with same spirit.

The main concept behind this was #Aaj Ki Radha.  After analyzing all the thoughts and current scenario, we conclude that “Nari Ka Karo Sammaan 
 Tabhi Bnega Desh Mahaan”.

The IEEE Student Branch of PIET has Organised “Speech and Poster making Contest (Digital & Handmade)” on September 13, 2019 to celebrate Engineer’s Day in PIET campus. The Theme of Speech and Poster contest was “ISRO: The Pride”.

The IEEE Student Branch of PIET has also conducted Comptechnovation 2019 to showcase the projects of students between 19th August, 2019 to 22nd August, 2019.

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Panipat Institute of Engineering & Technology (PIET)