Electronics & Comm. Engg.

Time Table & Lecture Plan

Even Semester

Odd Semester

Time Table 2023-2024

Even Semester

Time Table 2023-2024

Lecture Plans-Current Session

Odd Semester

3rd Semester

Digital Electronics
Electronic Devices
Environmental Sciences
Essentials of Information Technology
Network Theory
Optics & Waves
Signals & Systems

5th Semester

Computer Networks
Computer Organization and Architecture
Digital Signal Processing
Information Theory & Coding
Soft Skills & Interpersonal Communication
VLSI Technology

7th Semester

Microcontroller & Embedded Systems Design
Digital Image Processing
Power Electronics
Optical Communication
Satellite Communication
Fiber Optic Communications
Microwave Theory and Techniques

Even Semester

4th Semester

Analog Circuits
Applied and Computational Mathematics
Basics of Analog Communication
Digital Communication
Electromagnetic Field Theory
Microprocessors & Microcontrollers

6th Semester

Antennas and Propagation
Control System Engineering
Organizational Behaviour
Transducers & Their Applications
Verilog HDL

8th Semester

Satellite Communication
Internet of Things
Mixed Signal Design
Soft Computing
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