Message from HOD

Dr. Neeraj Gupta

It is a pleasure to head the Department of Information Technology at Panipat Institute of Engineering & Technology. The department offers B.Tech. and B Tech (Honors) degree program in Information Technology. The department has a team of well qualified, experienced and motivated faculty members to prepare the young minds of our students for global competition. Students of IT department are also motivated and ready for IT Industry with hands on experience on current technologies/programming languages. The graduate students of the department regularly appear in the University top positions and mostly working with the core IT companies.

The department regularly organizes various professional development activities and grooms its students with the communication classes and personality development program. Sports, co curricular and extra curricular activities takes place at institute level and students participate in various intra-college, inter-college, inter-university fests/competitions. Our students have their own music band group and won many prizes in different competitions.

Department constantly works for overall growth of students and inculcate the qualities/features that are required and acceptable by Society. Faculty/students take initiative for social causes at individual level and as a team under different banners/clubs of the Institute. Turning a student in to a good and proficient citizen is the prime aim of the department.

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Panipat Institute of Engineering & Technology (PIET)