Message from HOD

Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Mishra
Department of Management Studies

I welcome you all to the Department of Management Studies at Panipat Institute of Engineering & Technology. The disruptive power of technology is very much evident with the ushering in fourth industrial revolution. It is important that the future generation of leaders should have adequate appreciation of technology. The future businesses are mostly technology enabled or built around emerging technologies. To handle the challenges of an ambitious global career, MBA professionals need self-confidence, strong character and a multi-dimensional personality. Our department has evolved itself with such a pedagogy that enables the students to be future ready with all the required skill set. We follow a comprehensive teaching, learning pedagogy including case based teaching, project based learning, business games, simulation exercise, experiential learning, expert talks from industry and academia, various certificate courses like: AI for business, Logistics and supply chain Management, grooming modules, Finance Lab, etc. Our aim is to chisel the best out of budding managers and business leaders to make them ready for the challenging business environment.

On our part we can assure you of our wholehearted support whenever and whatever desired. Together we have a great future.

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