S.No Title of Event Coordinator Date Resource Person Number of Students Participated
1. IPR Awareness/Training Program on World IP Day Dr. Parveen Kumar Goyal April 26, 2024 Mrs. Pooja Kumar 117 students
2. National conference of Indian Pharmaceutical Association Dr. Deepak P. Bhagwat 12th to 14th April 2024 Prof. Y.K. Gupta, Prof. Bikash Medhi, Dr. Ajay Prakash and Dr. Neena Valecha. 31 students
3.  Expert Talk on -Startups and Innovation  Dr. Neelam Malik 28th August 2023 Dr Shakti Arora 66 students
4. Hptlc For Quality Control of Herbals Prof.(Dr.) Deepak P.Bhagwat and Dr. Shiva 6th January, 2022 Ms. Sneha Singh 139
5. “World Pharmacists Day “ Dr. Gaurav Agarwal, Dr. Daisy Arora and Dr. Parveen Goyal 25th September 2023 Health check-up camp and Dengue awareness campaign 121 students
Industrial Visits
S.No. Industry name Address Date of visit Class No. of students
1 Swiss Biotech Karnal, Haryana 23-05-22 B. Pharmacy 2nd Sem. 48
2 Sun Pharmaceuticals Ltd. and Indoco RemediesPvt. Ltd. Baddi, Himachal Pardesh 03-03-23 B. Pharmacy 5th Sem. 31
3 Fresenius Kabi Oncology Ltd. Baddi, Himachal Pradesh 20-04-23 B. Pharmacy 5th Sem. 50
4 Swiss Biotech Karnal, Haryana 02-05-23 B. Pharmacy 3rd Sem. 49
5 Yakult DanonePvt Ltd. Rai, Sonepat 18-05-23 B. Pharmacy 3rd Sem. 42
6 Medisys Biotech limited Kala Amb, Himachal Pardesh 26-08-23 B. Pharmacy 1st Sem. 44
7 CFC Pharma Cluster Pvt. Ltd. Karnal, Haryana 07-10-23 B. Pharmacy 6th Sem. 53
8 Pharmacy section of Civil Hospital Ambala, Haryana 01-03-24 B. Pharmacy 5th Sem. 55
9 Medisys Biotech limited Kala Amb, Himachal Pardesh 11-05-24 B. Pharmacy 5th Sem. 49
10 New Drug India Pharmaceutical Karnal, Haryana 12-09-24 B. Pharmacy 1st Sem. 58
11 Civil Hospital Panipat 20-09-24 B. Pharmacy 1st Sem. 49
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