Enterprise 4.0 – The Fourth Industrial Revolution

Ready to ride the next wave of transformation in global industry & economy?

Enterprise 4.0 – a parallel to Industry 4.0, which deals exclusively with industry automation – is a much bigger wave that will sweep across all aspects of the global business and economy. Influenced mostly by the technologies of future such as Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Analytics, Data, Prediction, Knowledge Engineering, Virtual Reality, the Blockchain and IoT, this evolution will pose unique challenges that the globe has never faced before. What will be the role of human talent if we automate every work process? How different will the AI economy from the present one? How will these changes affect the global trade and social order?

Enterprise 4.0 will be a major disruptor in global business, culture and economics and it will transform the way we look at work, jobs, education and global competition. It will redefine business strategy forcing everyone to make the one vital decision: whether they’d wait to embrace the change or lead the change. Soon, organisations will be looking for future-ready leaders who are not just responsible and result-oriented, but are also innovative, collaborative and savvy in the technologies of future. And that’s where the right institution for higher education plays a vital role.

Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today

– Malcolm X

Understanding the need of the business and industry to ride on top of this new wave of change, Panipat Institute of Engineering & Technology (PIET) is driving excellence using innovative teaching methods that focus on advanced technology as well as human skill-sets necessary to succeed in changing paradigms by developing NEW AGE LEADERS who balance TECH ADVANCES with a HUMAN TOUCH.

Enhancing the learning outcomes of students, PIET focuses on transformation in four key areas: Employability, Student Experience, Research Excellence and Society including industry. Even the faculty is encouraged to explore the full capabilities of Enterprise 4.0 and develop industry-centric curriculum and design their own learning and teaching pedagogy. Enterprise 4.0 is the answer to the questions which come up with Industry 4.0 or the fourth industrial revolution and it will define the future of universities.

An institution that makes you future-ready

Since inception in 2006, we at Panipat Institute Engineering and Technology (PIET) has evolved as a trendsetter in the domain of Technical Education and New age Academic Excellence. We have created a symbiotic learning environment for the Academia and the student community. We Established Centre of Excellence with Intel, Dell, Sukam, UC Berkley, ChungBuk National University, Institute of Water Sciences Australia, Interactiv CoE for BIM Technology for Civil Engineering to understand the theoretical aspects with current and future industrial trends and patterns. Understanding the importance of the change that sweeps across the globe, we have included Enterprise 4.0 in teaching methodology.  We equip our students for Enterprise or Education 4.0 with 5 pillars of learning:

  • Imbibing: Internalising basic concepts
  • Iterating: Practicing fundamental skills rigorously
  • Interpreting: Taking facts from the study and applying them to different situations with adaptive alterations
  • Interest: Developing enough curiosity about a subject so as to delve deep and create further body of knowledge
  • Innovation: Think differently and come up with original concepts to build innovative ideas and products

We believe in providing our students with not just the theoretical knowledge but give them maximum practical exposure to make them industry ready. The revolution is changing the world around us. Artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, big data and the Internet of Things will combine to impact on jobs and industry. We have a holistic approach to quality education, offering cutting-edge learning frame work supported by a best-in-class infrastructure and intellectual capital.

With a vision to be globally recognized and a mission to impart knowledge, skills and excellent training, we make our students all-rounders. Students at PIET are able to adjust with any technology from blockchain to artificial intelligence or other internet languages.

Visit us today to explore the new world of opportunities with enterprise 4.0 at PIET.

Panipat Institute of Engineering & Technology
, Top B.Tech College in Haryana
, Enterprise 4.0
, Industrial Revolution
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Panipat Institute of Engineering & Technology (PIET)