Guest Lecture Green Marketing and Use of Artificial Intelligence in Marketing” on 14th March 2023

Guest Lecture on “Green Marketing and Use of Artificial Intelligence in Marketing”

All organizations want to improve the performance of their employees, but this isn’t achieved overnight. Making informed decisions on hiring, learning and development, and promotions is possible only with the right people analytics and data at hand. In line with this, an expert session was organised by the Department of Management Studies, Panipat Institute of Engineering and Technology on the topic “Green Marketing and Use of Artificial Intelligence in Marketing” on 14th March 2023. The guest speaker was Mr. Himanshu Singla, CEO and Founder – Cyberoism and Online Trouble Shooters and Director Marketing – Matyaj, Gurgaon.
Dr. Anju Kumari, Associate Professor-DMS; Mr. Vikas Nain, Assistant Professor-DMS and Ms. Ridhi Kochar, Assistant Professor-DMS welcomed the guest with a planter. In his interaction, Mr. Himanshu discussed the new ideas and strategies of green marketing. He also showcased many a products manufactured by companies claiming to be environment friendly. The products were like pencils with seeds of veggies, pencils made of neem wood, notebooks with seeds embedded in the cover pages, wooden toothbrush, wooden comb, eco-friendly packing paper, bamboo water bottles, T-shirts made of bamboo and milk, etc. He also shared the names of such companies who are dedicatedly into the business for the sole purpose of sustainability with the help of green products produced via green processes of manufacturing. Besides this, Mr. Himanshu also discussed the HOW and WHY of AI in marketing. He helped students understand the need and the constructive use of data in marketing decision making and future business survival. The duration of the session was 2 hours. The lecture was highly interactive and full of experience sharing. The event came to an end with many logical and inquisitive queries from the students. It was indeed a value addition for students of MBA Ist year to decide upon marketing specialization in their 2nd year of study and for the MBA IInd year marketing specialization students to introspect and pursue the avenues in green marketing and the role of AI in marketing. The session came to end with a token of gratitude and a thanksgiving address by Dr. Dalbir, Associate Professor-DMS.

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