It is said that people who never had an addiction don’t understand how hard it can be.

And the addiction to drugs can be the most disabling of addictions. The menace of drug abuse is slowly and steadily crushing our young generation in its vice like grip. It’s one of the biggest challenges facing our society today. However, our nation has never been short of heroes who have rose to the occasion and saved our country from disaster by dedicating their lives towards a noble cause. It was a good fortune that Mr. Satish Guglani, who is a Drug Abuse Prevention Activist at the Art of Living Foundation had delivered a talk to MBA students of PIET on August 30, 2k16. He has been working with AOL since 2001 and rehabilitated 25 thousand Drug Abuse patients and motivated more than 3 Lakhs students of various schools of Haryana, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, U.P and Rajasthan to stay away from this menace. Till date, he has arranged more than 200 camps in villages, slums and jails. He has also donated blood 96 times and collected 10000 units of blood for RED CROSS SOCIETY. Presently, he is a brand ambassador of Red Cross Society, Dist. Panipat. He has received Service Above Self Award from Rotary International Governor of Haryana and got appreciation and awards from many other NGO’s. He was accompanied with the volunteers from the Art of Living foundation Ms. Aditi Arora.

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