An industrial visit to Yakult Danone India Pvt. was arranged for the students of MBA 1st year and 2nd year on 23rd March, 2023. A total no. of 88 students witnessed the manufacturing, packaging and marketing process of the company through a presentation and factory visit. It was a wholesome industry experience for the students strengthening the industry academia relationship.
The factory visit was divided into 3 segment, first segment was about the seeding process, second segment showed the bottle manufacturing and filling process, the last segment was about packaging and labelling of the product. After the tour, students were shown a presentation which explained about the entire manufacturing process in detail followed by the question answer session. Students were offered with probiotic drink and cookies during the doubt clarification round. Many students showed keen interest in understanding the process of the company and raised many questions to clarify their doubts. All the doubts were diligently handled and addressed by the company representative Ms. Sadhana.