Extension Activities

Extension activities aim at enabling our students to develop social responsibility through engagement. Service attitude is essential for every professional to flourish in life and profession. The extension activities in the institute have multiple platforms such as National Service Scheme, Student Cultural Club, PIET Rotaract Club, Unnat Bharat Abiyan, Swachh Bharath Abiyan etc. Students go the surrounding villages, cities and NGOs to involve themselves in various field activities.

NGOs and Cultural Clubs

The student members of cultural clubs organise extension activities including those in collaborations with the Panipat based NGOs such as Chetna Pariwar, Waqt De Rakt De, Sahyog and the local and district administration. 

National Service Scheme

The institute is allotted one unit of 100 student volunteers of the National Service Scheme (NSS) by the Government of Haryana. The NSS students carryout a variety of extension activities and develop an understanding of social needs and disparities.

Raahgiri Programs of Haryana Government

Raahgiri programs are started by the district administration as an initiative of the state government to increase happiness in people’s lives and reinforce brotherhood feeling in society. This programme is organised on any two optional Sundays of every month. In the morning, from 5 to 8 am nearly two km long stretch of the city road in Panipat is made traffic-free for the public to engage in various sports and cultural events. PIET has generously sponsored this event in Panipat and created a stage for the conduct of cultural functions.

Days of National/International Importance

Institute also participates in extension activities organised by district administration related to Women’s day, International Yoga day etc., to spread their social cause. The Pinkathon – pink marathon for women in Panipat on March 8, 2019 was represented by nearly 582 students from the institute. In the International Yoga day organised in Panipat by the district administration, 525, 472, and 632 students from the institute participated during 2017, 2018 and 2019 respectively.

Blood Donation Activities

Organising the blood donation camps has been a regular student activity since the inception of the institute. Red Cross, Panipat centre has consistently supported the activity, and occasionally this has also been coordinated by the student clubs and PIET Rotaract club student members with local NGOs

Rotaract Club (R.I.D 3080) community service

These student groups have not only been involved in group social events, but they have also meaningfully contributed through extension activities to the diseased and deprived in society. Such activities greatly impact those with whom these students engage, bringing them together with the main social streams. The students also learn about the meaning of compassion in life.

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Panipat Institute of Engineering & Technology (PIET)