Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities of Panipat Institute of Engg. And Technology organized an Induction Programme i.e UDAAN- 2K21 from 11th Oct. to 31st Oct. for the B.Tech students. As the name suggests âUDAAN- The Flight to Successâ, marked the beginning for the students who will be learning the new ways of life. âUDAANâ manifests the boundless boundaries, that each child will surpass in a teaching-learning environment to experience victory and triumph.
Inauguration of the event was done by lighting the lamp by Shri. Hari Om Tayal Ji, Chairman
PIET, Mr. Suresh Tayal Member BOG, Mr. Rakesh Tayal Member BOG, Director Dr Shakti Kumar, Head of Department, Dr. Vinay Khatri of Applied sciences and Humanities.
During the 21-day orientation, various interactive sessions are tabulated to familiarize students with PIET pedagogy and new upgraded education policy 4.0. Some of the highlights of the induction 2021 included:
- A career guidance session from the honourable chairperson and from Head of the Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities.
- An expert session by Surya Sir on studentsâ college journey advising them to read and exercise regularly.
- A cultural session called UDAAN 2K21 comprising address from the management and studentsâ performance of women empowerment and other cultural activities.
- Lecture on Stress Management was delivered by Dr. Suman Dahiya, Faculty of MBA Department.
- Sports activities (Indoor and Outdoor games)
- Lecture on Road Safety by NSS PIET.
- Art and Craft Activities.
- Communication Classes.
- Proficiency Modules.
- Lectures on Universal Human Values (UHV)
The Programme ended with a new zeal among the students. They were encouraged for the Successful life and a vision of triumph.