Rules for on Stage Quiz Competition (Science)

    ROUND-1 (Rules for General Round)

  • Each team will be asked 2 questions of 10 marks each. They will be given 30 seconds for each question.
  • If the allotted team is unable to answer the question then the question will passed on to the subsequent teams.
  • Subsequent teams will be given 15 seconds to answer & will be awarded 5 marks for each correct answer.

    ROUND-2 (Rules for Buzzer Round)

  • There will be 8 questions in this round. Team pressing the buzzer first will be given the chance to answer.
  • 15 marks will be awarded for each correct answer & 5 marks will be deducted for each incorrect answer.
  • Team will be given 60 seconds for each question.

    ROUND-3 (Rules for Specialized Subject)

  • Every team will have to choose their favorite subject out of Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics.
  • Every team will be asked 2 questions from their chosen subjects.
  • They will be given 60 seconds for each question.
  • 15 marks will be awarded for every correct answer.

    ROUND-4 (Rules for Personality Identification Round)

  • Every team will be asked to identify a personality.
  • Three hints will be provided for every question.
  • 20 marks will be awarded for the correct answer after 1st.
  • 15 marks will be awarded for the correct answer after 2nd.
  • 10 marks will be awarded for the correct answer after 3rd.
  • 60 seconds will be given for each question.

    ROUND-5 (Rules for Rules – Rapid fire round)

  • Each team will be asked to nominate a member from their team.
  • Nominated member will be given 60 seconds for 10 questions in this round.
  • 5 marks will be awarded for each correct answer.

Rules for on Stage Quiz Competition (Commerce/Arts/Polytechnic)

    ROUND-1 (Rules for General Round)

  • Every team will be asked two questions. They will be given 30 seconds to answer the question.
  • If answered correctly, they will be awarded 15 marks for the correct answer.
  • If unable to answer correctly, then the question will be passed to subsequent teams.
  • Subsequent teams will get 15 seconds & will be awarded 5 marks for each correct answer.

    ROUND-2 (Rules for Buzzer Round)

  • There will be 6 questions in this round. Team pressing the buzzer first will be given chance to answer the question in 60 seconds.
  • If answered correctly, Team will be awarded 15 marks & for every incorrect answer 10 marks will be deducted.

    ROUND-3 (Rules for Take your Chance)

  • Every team will be asked to answer a question. Three hints will be provided for every question for a total duration of 60 seconds.
  • If correct answer is provided after hint 1, then 30 marks will be awarded.
  • If correct answer is provided after hint 2, then 20 marks will be awarded.
  • If correct answer is provided after hint 3, then 10 marks will be awarded.

    ROUND-4 (Rules for Audio Round)

  • Each team will be asked one question and will be given 20 seconds to answer the question.
  • If answered correctly, 15 marks will be awarded.
  • There is no negative marking for incorrect response.
  • This is a non-transferrable round.

    ROUND-5 (Rules for Rapid Fire Round)

  • Every team will be asked to nominate one member from their team.
  • Nominated member will be asked to answer ten questions in 60 seconds.
  • 5 marks will be awarded for each correct answer.
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Panipat Institute of Engineering & Technology (PIET)