Student Clubs and Societies

Social/Cultural Clubs & Societies

Rotaract Club (R.I.D 3080)

The purpose of Rotaract is to provide an opportunity for young men and women to enhance the knowledge and skills that will assist them in personal development, to address the physical and social needs of their communities, and to promote better relations among all the people worldwide through a framework of friendship and service. Our institute has an active Rotaract club sponsored by the Rotary club of Panipat.

Mudra Dancing Society

Mudra Dancing Society of PIET is one of its kinds, which strives to promote every dance style in all its diverse forms. Society not just believes in dancing with the feet, but also with the hearts and souls. The community’s beauty lies in its working, where every team member takes responsibility for its immense growth. Society endeavors to provide trained professionals to those who possess the potential, thereby nurturing their talents consistently. The team members have a vision taking the club to new heights by experimenting with various dance forms, reinventing themselves, and growing together as a team.

Riyaaz Singing Society

Riyaaz Singing Society is dedicated to the heart-warming community of singers who can touch the soul of music to get their way to the society. Society incorporates instrumentalists as well as vocalists. Due importance is given to good voice and passion for singing, rather than technicalities at the time of auditions. The singers are then prepared through team-building activities and rigorous practice sessions. The society experiments with various genres of music and always tries to come up with something soulful.

Abhinaya Theatre Society

Abhinaya Theatre Society firmly believes in making an impact by creating awareness in the best possible manner. It is a conscience-driven activity as it allows connecting with people and touching their hearts and minds, thereby sub-consciously reforming society by addressing the problems people are apparently unaware of. The challenges which are generally ignored but certainly have a major impact on us are touched through the drama. Society’s central idea is to propagate social and political messages humorously and create awareness among the masses.

Chill in Club

The Chill in Club organizes and promotes all the extra-curricular activities. The club aims to promote major cultural activities and organizes events and extension activities for easing out the academic pressure on students as well. This club is currently organizing intra and inter-department cultural competitions, some of which were organized successfully by this club.


It is the marketing club of the department of Management Studies. Its name is derived from Mark (an abbreviated term for Marketing) and Odyssey (epic journey). It is an exciting way of learning, sharing, and pragmatic considerations of marketing-related competencies via active participation for marketing students. Therefore, Markodyssey signifies the journey of learning practical marketing skills which its participants would go through. The objective of the marketing club is to offer the right platform and resources to inculcate required skills to build a career in marketing via organizing activities like ad-mad show, panel discussions, brand analysis, marketing plans, news analysis, case study competition, advertisement development, marketing quiz, digital marketing, brand logo and label creation etc. under the banner of the club.

Technical Clubs & Societies


The student chapter of the Computer Society of India (C.S.I.) came into existence in the campus to spread the knowledge and provide opportunities to the students in the related area. Since its inception, society has covered new milestones and successfully organized many events at the college and inter-college levels including industrial visits. The student chapter is constituted of nearly 200 student members.

IEEE Student chapter (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)

IEEE society intends to allow students to network with peers in other institutes, academicians, professionals, engineers, and scientists through the campus society. The student chapter in the CSE and IT departments was established in the year 2019. This student branch falls under IEEE Delhi section in region 10 (Asia Pacific). The focus of this association is to create awareness and encourage students to utilize the benefits of IEEE membership, including scholarships, competitions, and conference grants.

Mechrous Society

Mechrous Society is founded and supported by the faculty and students of the Mechanical Engineering Department, to engage in professional development and connects with the professional world outside the campus. The club helps and supports the student community to learn new technologies, keep their skills up to date, explore solutions to technical problems and contribute professionally. It regularly plans and offers many career development activities such as aptitude training, career enhancement seminars, resume building workshops and skill development activities.


The COMP TECHIES society for students was constituted in 2013 by the CSE department. The society aims to (a) keep its student members updated on the technological advancements in soft/hardware, (b) involve students in departmental events and activities and (c) to create a social environment where students with various technical experiences share a platform to exchange information with one another. Various seminars, workshops, short term courses, quizzes and other technical events have been successfully organized, time to time, in the departmental club.

Yantra Club

The yantra club is supported by the ECE Department. Motive of the club is to encourage the scientific and technical temper in students and cultivate various hobby-related interests among them and encourage the students’ innovativeness and creativity by giving them task, time and environment to breed. Every student has a creative corner within himself, and the club activities are planned to bring out the best. The club is student-driven platform with a panel of faculty members involved with them.

DATALYTICS (Data Science Squad)

Data science is an interdisciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms, and systems to extract knowledge and insight from structural and un-structural data. The department of CSE has taken the initiative to start the club for the upliftment of students in the field of data science. The club aims to provide a platform for the students to learn, shape, and network to bring them together with industry experts and engage them in hands-on, interdisciplinary projects. This club will serve as a single focal point of overall development and growth of the student community with interest in the area of data analytics, machine learning, and big data.

Robotics Club

This is a platform for undergraduate students that allow them to work on innovative and interdisciplinary solutions in robotic and mechatronic applications. The club also creates an opportunity for students to learn and teach engineering and leadership skills.


Finatrix is the finance club of department of Management Studies, which drives the initiatives in the finance domain through various incorporated activities. This platform updates the students on different domains and career paths within Finance. Finatrix aims at skilling the students with desired financial acumen and make them industry ready and serve as a bridge between the industry and the student community. The club’s activities explore various verticals within finance, including stock markets, investments, equity research, banking, financial policies etc., through seminars, workshops, competitive events, and sessions on discussion with experts on current financial developments.

Heads and Hands Club

The HR club at the department of Management Studies is popularly known as the Heads and Hands Club. The club’s name denotes two of the intense skills needed by human resource authorities of 21st-century organizations, where ‘Heads’ represent ‘what and why’ and ‘Hands’ represents ‘skills and tools’ needed. Hence, the club primarily aims to enhance the employability skills of students in the concerned domain. The club has a membership of MBA students from the HR domain as a major specialization. The club intends to inculcate necessary skills through activities like mock interview sessions, role plays, quiz exercises etc. The analytical skills are also being aimed to be enhanced and developed via a series of lectures and HR analytics demonstrations. Till date, the club has organized the activities such as HR flashcard (A review quiz on basic HR Terminology), the Talent Wiz (A team-based quiz on specialized areas of HR domain), group discussions, HR tales (A hypothetical story creation-based competition for teams), the Brainstormers (extempore), Quizone (pictures based quiz on HR terminology and concepts), HR analytics (lecture and demonstration series), role plays, mock recruitment process, hands on live problems, and the updated HR (best reader activity).

TechVision Club

TechVision is the official magazine of the Computer Applications Department. It provides a perspicuous student platform to share the knowledge, experiences, and opinions with the department. Staff members and students can mail their articles, poems, views, opinions, ideas, achievements, activities, events photos, and sketches to editors.

Techno GearHeads Club

The Techno GearHeads club aims to promote creativity and increase the technical know-how and productivity of students in the IT department. The Techno GearHeads club is the ultimate one-stop-platform of the department. From conducting aptitude test series to mock interviews, from coding problems to solving mind boggling environmental issues, everything here is awesome! This club envisages providing a friendly platform to explore student latent talents and enables them to come out with their innovative ideas. This club allows students to explore and showcase their hidden talents and provide them with an opportunity to brush up on their persona.

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Panipat Institute of Engineering & Technology (PIET)