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Mentee System at PIET

PIET focuses on the individual attention on the students in terms of not only academics but on curricular, extracurricular, student’s own plan and other personal challenges on emotional, mental, psychological and physiological level.

Mentoring system at PIET focuses on graduate attributes related to engineering knowledge, problem analysis, design/development of solution, investigations of complex problems, modern tool usage, the engineer and society, environment and sustainability, ethics, individual and team work, communication, project management and finance and lifelong learning. Time to time counseling by the mentors keep the mentees in high spirit and they feel free to contact not only mentors but also the concerned person for any challenge if they are facing.

Each and every department of the college is putting their best efforts for individual mentoring. Time to time meetings is conducted by mentors for their mentees. Mentors are not only keeping the record of the mentees like their sessional result, internals, PTM but also on their achievements in curricular and extracurricular fields. They are tracking the overall performance of the mentees including class position, university position, industrial visit, industrial training, quality projects, participation in seminars/conferences, presenting papers in conferences, publishing papers in journals, membership in professional societies, participating and organizing any event/activity, ethics, human values, club activities, participation in sports activities, preparation for placement, preparation for higher entrance exam, entrepreneurship activities, engagement in alumni activities, participation in institute committees, outstanding award if any.

Mentors are playing a major role to take the lead in supporting a mentee through an ongoing, one- to-one relationship, to build a relationship of trust by caring and planning for welfare of the
mentee, to serve as a positive role model, to strive for mutual respect, always be a patient listener to the mentees and be considerate and flexible towards the issues of mentees, should always encourage and support the mentees for constructive activities and try to develop a sense of mutual respect for each other among the mentees.

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Panipat Institute of Engineering & Technology (PIET)