On 20th April 2022 National seminar on emerging trends in management practices was organized by the Department of Management Studies, Panipat Institute of Engineering and Technology, Haryana. The main objective of this seminar was to discuss the emerging trends in Management practices.

Akhilesh Kumar Mishra, Convener delivered the welcome address and introduced the theme of the seminar. In the inaugural session Director Shakti Kumar emphasised on innovation and creativity. In the first session of the seminar Professor Bedi explained the need and relevance of academic leadership, Prof Raguvir Singh, VC TMU, emphasized on Level 5 leadership and its relevance. Mr Sudhir Dua Managing Director Debros explained the concept of TQM. More than 400 students from various streams participated in the seminar.

Panel Discussion was also held where a galaxy of intellects discussed various contemporary issues .Prof Vinay Nangia eminent professor discussed the future of management education and edtech. Mr Rajive Gulati Formed Head UNITL explained upcoming areas for entrepreneurship and start-ups. In the valedictory session Dr Akhilesh Mishra HOD DMS emphasized on the significance of such knowledge creation platforms where ideas are discussed. Mr. Rakesh Tayal Vice Chairman PIET emphasised on entrepreneurship and its  significance in employment generation. Mr Shubham Tayal Member BOG  congratulated the department for organizing the seminar.

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