
Placements @ PIET

At PIET, our Career Advancement Cell plays a pivotal role in connecting students with leading corporate brands. Each year, we welcome esteemed recruiters to our campus, facilitating a seamless placement process that caters to both the needs of recruiters and the career aspirations of our students.

Despite the prevailing global economic uncertainties, PIET maintains its position as a preferred destination for campus hiring among top-tier recruiters across various industries. While this year’s job market may not be as robust as the previous one, PIET continues to attract major corporate entities.

Our Career Advancement Cell’s swift responsiveness, coupled with state-of-the-art infrastructure, including spacious auditoriums for presentations, multiple conference rooms for group discussions, and top-notch test and computer lab facilities, forms the backbone of our placement process. With a vast talent pool drawn from across North India, we ensure a streamlined and successful recruitment experience for companies seeking talent.

The Career Advancement Cell actively explores employment opportunities in emerging industries at both national and international levels. Our reach extends beyond our institution, as students from vocational institutes and arts colleges also participate in joint campus drives and secure placements. Renowned companies such as Amazon, TCS, Wipro, Capgemini, and others have conducted campus interviews and hired talented individuals.

Placement Highlights:

  • Over 120 corporate houses have recruited students from PIET.
  • Our students are employed at prestigious companies like Facebook and Amazon.
  • PIET has been recognized as the Preferred Placement Partner by Corporate Houses for both 2018 and 2019.
  • Awarded for Best Placements in the Region for the years 2013, 2014, and 2015.
  • Students have worked on NASA projects in collaboration with the Southwest Research Institute, USA.
  • All three wings of the Indian Defence Services have recruited students from the PIET campus.
  • The highest package offered reaches as high as INR 54 lac per annum.
© PIET 2022 Developed and Maintained by City Innovates Pvt. Ltd.
Panipat Institute of Engineering & Technology (PIET)