Policies & Procedures

Administrative Policy



The provisions contained in the schedule shall apply, without exception to all employees of the institute whether ad-hoc, probationary, part-time, contractual, permanent or visiting.

Every employee of the institute whether ad-hoc, probationary, part-time, contractual, permanent shall be governed by the code of conduct as specified herein and every employee, without exception shall be liable to strict disciplinary action including suspension and or termination for the breach of any provision(s) of the code of conduct.

The Director shall initiate disciplinary proceeding for noncompliance of the code of conduct/service rules/leave or any other rules of the institute that may be in force from time to time, by any employee and shall have the power to appoint an inquiry officer (s) to conduct an inquiry against such an employee.

1.1 Definitions

“Members of the family” in relation to an employee includes:-

  • The wife, child or step-child of such employee residing with and dependent on her and in relation to an employee who is a woman, the husband residing with and dependent on her.
  • Any other person related, whether by blood or by marriage to the employee or to such employee’s wife or husband and wholly dependent on such institute’s employee, but does not include a wife or husband legally separated from the employee or child or step child who is no longer in any way dependent upon him or her, or whose custody, the employee has been deprived of by law.

1.2 General

  • Every employee shall at all times maintain absolute integrity and devotion to duty, and also be strictly honest and impartial in his/her official dealings.
  • An employee shall at all times be courteous in his/her dealings with other members of the staff, students and members of the public.
  • Unless otherwise stated specifically in terms of appointment, every employee is a whole-time employee of the Institute and may be called upon to perform such duties as may be assigned to him or her by the Director his/her higher officer, beyond scheduled working hours and on closed holiday and some days. These duties inter alia shall include attendance at meetings of committees to which he/she may be appointed by the Institute.
  • An employee shall be required to observe the scheduled hours of work, as may be notified from time to time, during which he/she must be present at the place of his or her duty. Unless otherwise stated, all employees of the Institute are required to work effectively for at least 40 hours per week.
  • Except for valid reasons and/or unforeseen contingencies no employee shall absent himself/herself from duty without prior permission of the designated authority.
  • No employee shall leave station except with the prior permission of the Director and in his/her absence, the officiating Head of the Institution, even during leave or vacation.
  • Whenever leaving the station, an employee shall inform the Director and in his / her absence to the Head of the Department to which he /she has attached the address where he /she would be available during the period of his/her absence from station.
  • All employees are expected to be exemplary in their public as well as private life. Their loyalty, sense of dedication and integrity should at all times be a model of inspiration to the youth and other learners committed to their care.
  • All employees are expected to behave according to the ideals of the nation, showing love, concern, respect to all without any discrimination whatsoever of caste, creed or community. Any act or speech against this rule shall be considered as a serious breach of discipline and will invite strict disciplinary action including suspension and/or termination from service.
  • Every employee shall strive to instil in the students under his/her care a high sense of value, social conscientiousness, attitude/Discipline and pride in their institution and loyalty to the country. It is the sacred duty of all the employees to work for the intellectual, moral, social and physical development of all students.
  • Any association or distribution of alcohol, drugs or any other intoxicant by whatsoever name called, by an employee within the institute’s premises is strictly prohibited.
  • All correspondence addressed to an employee or by him/her or by the institute including press and other such copies of correspondence, all vouchers, books including all notebooks containing all notes or records or prices or data and apparatus, samples and/or other goods belonging to the institute, circulars and all other papers and document of any nature whatsoever relating to the institute’s affairs which shall come into his/her possession in the course of his/her employment, shall be the absolute property of the institute and he/she shall, at any time, during service or termination thereof or upon his/her leaving the service of the institute for any reason whatsoever, deliver up the same to the institute on demand and without claiming anything in lieu thereof.
  • No faculty member (teacher) shall:
    • Knowingly or willfully neglect his/her duties.
    • Propagate through his/her teaching lesson or otherwise, a communal or sectarian outlook, or incite or allow any student to indulge in communal or sectarian activities.
    • Discriminate against any student or any other person on grounds of caste, creed, sex, language, place of origin, social and cultural background etc.
    • Make any sustained neglect in correcting term or assessments or examinations work of the students.
    • While being present in the institute, absent himself/herself, except with the prior permission of the Director from the class which he/she is required to attend.
    • Provided that where such absence without leave or without the prior permission of the Director is due to reasons beyond the control of teacher, it shall not be deemed to be a breach of discipline and or/the code of conduct, if on return to duty, the teacher had applied for & obtained ex-post-facto the necessary sanction for the leave availed.
    • Accept or give private tuitions to any student of the institute or any other person without the written permission of the Director.
    • Prepare or publish any book(s) commonly known as guides, or assist, in the publication other than under the authority of the institute, & obtained through the chairman “BOG”.
    • Enter into any monetary transactions with any student or parent; nor shall he/she conduct his/her personal matters in such a manner that he/she has to incur debt beyond his/her means to repay.
    • Accept or permit any member of his/her family or any other person acting on his/her behalf to accept any gift or receive advantage from any student parent or any person(s) with whom he/she has come into contact by virtue of his/her being in the appointment of the institution.

    NOTE: A casual meal or other social hospitality of a casual nature shall not be considered as a gift.

    Accept gift on occasions such as weddings, anniversaries or religious functions when the making of the gift is in conformity with the prevailing social & religious customs.

    • Hesitates to provide individual attention to a student(s), if required. besides academic problems, teachers are encouraged to solve personal & behavioural problems of the student(s) as well. if in any event student(s) needs social help, he/she must immediately bring this fact to the notice of the director & in his/her absence (the concerned student(s),) the head of the department.
    • No faculty should be unreasonable in his/her demands from the student(s) & should avoid favouritism of any kind. Whilst the teacher may be firm & consistent with his/her student(s), every teacher must remember that student(s), have their self-respect & must not be subjected to any threat, ridicule, sarcasm or unreasonable punishment.

1.3 Every Employee Shall

  • Be punctual in attendance & in respect of his/her class work & also for any other work connected with the duties assigned to him /her by the Director/Head of Dept.
  • On every working day sign the staff attendance register, or punch his card at the time of arrival & at the time of leaving the institute, located at the gate or elsewhere as the case may be & be ready at least five minutes before the commencement of the classes. Overwriting on the attendance register or not punching the card is the serious violation of the rules.
  • Be responsible for the discipline of the students even outside the classroom. Since supervision during the break or off-time is vital for the protection of the property of the institute & its students; employees may, from time to time, be allotted such duties to maintain discipline and orderliness in the institute.
  • Inspire students to make extensive use of the library facilities & to take care of the property of the institute including books, journals, equipment & machinery, furniture, fixture & fittings.
  • In case of damage to any building, furniture or other property of the institute, the cost of repairing and/or replacement will be charged from the student(s) known to be immediately responsible, but, if person(s) causing the damage are known, the cost shall be recovered equally from the students of the concerned class.
  • Not disturb or vitiate through any action or omission or any form of speech etc. in any manner whatsoever, the peace, dignity & harmony of the institute.


  • No employee shall take part in politics or be associated with any party or organization which takes part in political activity, nor shall he/she subscribe in aid or assist in any manner any political movement or activity.
  • No employee shall canvass or otherwise interfere or use his influence in connection to a legislative body or local authority.

Provided that an employee of the institute qualified to vote at such election may exercise to vote but where he does so, he shall give no indication of the matter in which he proposes to vote or has voted.


  • No employee shall except with the prior sanction of the Director, own wholly or in part, or conduct, or participate in the editing or managing of any newspaper or other periodical publications.
  • No employee shall, except with prior sanction of the Director or any other authority empowered by him/her on his behalf, or in the bonafide discharge of his/her duties, participate in a radio broadcast or contribute an article or write any letter either anonymously or in his/her own name or in the name of any other person to any newspaper or periodical.

Provided that no such sanction shall be required in such broadcast or such contribution is of a purely literary, artistic or scientific character.

NOTE: Members of the staff are at liberty, however, without any sanction, to publish their original scientific works in journals of repute in India & abroad. If, however, they wish to indicate their official designations in the article they want to publish, prior sanction of the Director will be necessary.

Such articles must be strictly confined to subjects and should not touch administrative matters related to the institute. They shall be free from all political leanings.

Publications of articles relating to India’s boundary areas, the tribal population in such areas is prohibited without prior permission of the Director & if necessary, the Government of India.

  • If during the term of his/her employment, an employee shall make any inventions or improvements of products, all rights in respect of such invention or improvement shall belong to the institute, and he/she will, if required, at the cost of the institute cause such inventions or improvements to be patented in such countries as the institute may desire & shall at like cost if any, when required to do & concur in all things necessary to cause or procure any patent or patents so obtained, to be vested in the institute or as may be added, and in the mean time hold such patents in Trust for the institute.


No employee shall, in any radio broadcast or in any document published anonymously or in his/her own name or in the name of any other person or in any communication to the press or in any public utterance, make any statement of fact or opinion:

  • Which has the effect of an adverse criticism of any current or recent policy or action of the institute
  • Which is capable of embarrassing the relations between the institute & the central government or any state government including any of their agencies or any other institution or organization or members of the public.
  • Provided that nothing in this paragraph shall apply to any statements made or view expressed by an employee in his/her official capacity or in the due performance of duties assigned to him/her.


  • No employee shall, except with the prior sanction of the Director give evidence in connection with any inquiry conducted by any person, committee or authority.
  • Where any sanction has been accorded, no employee giving such evidence shall criticize the policy or any action of the institute or the central government or any state government or their respective agencies.
  • Nothing in this paragraph shall apply to:
    • Evidence given at any inquiry before any authority appointed by the institute, by parliament or by a state legislature, or
    • Evidence given in any judicial inquiry, or
    • Evidence given in any departmental inquiry by the director of the institute.


No woman employee at a workplace shall be subjected to sexual harassment including unparliamentary determined behaviour, physical contact, sexual advances, coloured remarks, showing pornography, sexual demand, request for sexual favours or any other unwelcome conduct of sexual nature whether verbal, textual, physical, graphic or electronic or by any other actions, which may include, –

  • Implied or overt promise of preferential treatment in employment; or
  • Implied or overt threat of detrimental treatment in employment; or
  • Implied or overt threat about the present or future employment status;
  • Conduct which interferes with work or creates an intimidating or offensive or hostile work environment; or
  • Humiliating conduct constituting health and safety problems.


  • No employee shall, except in accordance with any general or special order of the Director or in the performance in good faith of the duties assigned to him/her, communicate, directly or indirectly, any official document or information to any person he/she is not authorized to communicate such document or information.
  • During the term of his/her employment with the institute, or at any time thereafter, an employee shall not use or disclose to any other society, firm, organization or person any information concerning the secrets, activities, affairs of the institute, nor countenance any act prejudicial to the interest of the institute.
  • By virtue of his/her assignment with the institute, an employee will acquire technical know-how & gain access to secrets relating to the institute’s activities. It is, therefore, distinctly understood that in the event of his/her relinquishing his/her employment with the institute, he/she will under no circumstances divulge the technical know-how and secrets detrimental to the institute. In the event of an employee violating this condition, the institute will be entitled to claim damages at his/her cost and take any action, as it may deem fit against him/her.


  • No employee shall, except with prior permission of chairman “BOG”, engage directly or indirectly, in any trade or business or any private tuition or undertake any employment outside his official assignments.


  • An employee shall so manage his/her private affairs as to avoid habitual indebtedness or insolvency. When an employee is found liable to arrest for debt or has resources to insolvency or when it is found that a majority of his/her salary is continuously being attached, he/she may be liable to dismissal. An employee who becomes the subject of legal proceeding for insolvency shall forthwith report full facts to the institute.
  • An employee who gets involved in some criminal proceedings shall immediately inform the Director through the Head of the Deptt to which he/she is attached, irrespective of the fact whether he/she has been released on bail or not.
  • An employee who is detained in police custody whether on criminal charge or otherwise for period longer than 48 hours shall not join his/her duties at the institute unless he/she obtained written permission to that effect from the Director of the institute.
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Panipat Institute of Engineering & Technology (PIET)