Policies & Procedures

Consultancy Policy


  • To provide a support framework for consultancy activities at Panipat Institute of Engineering and Technology


  • The policy is applicable to the entire faculty and staff of PIET.

Pre Consultancy Support

  • The faculty members involved in the consultancy service can avail on-duty leave for industry visit and formulation of scope of the work. While doing so the faculty or staff must ensure that the visit does not create a conflict of interest with the academic and other administrative role at the institute.


  • The organization requiring consultancy services from faculty or the department shall write to the Director with required details.
  • The Director on receiving the request from the industry/organization shall inform to the HOD concerned.
  • The HOD shall nominate the faculty or a group of faculty having the required expertise for approval to the Director.
  • The consultancy work directly approached to specific faculty member with expertise also needs to seek permission from the Director before starting the work.
  • A MoU may also be signed between the department and the industry/organization to define the nature, scope and commercials involved with consultancy work.
  • The faculty engaged in the consultancy work shall periodically report the progress of the consultancy work to the Director through the head of department.


  • Publication arising from consultancy work shall include the faculty affiliation of the institute and acknowledge for the facilities used.

Intellectual property Rights (IPR)

  • Patents arising from consultancy work if applicable shall be jointly published on the name of the authors and the institute.

Policy for Revenue Sharing in Consultancy

  • Institute facilities and resources may be used for consultancy work and must be charged with consultancy amount.
  • Revenue sharing between staff and institute shall be as given below, after deducting all actual expenses incurred in it.
S. No. Particulars Staff Institute
1. For testing/using the institute space and facilities 24%* 76%
2. For providing solutions/expertise to problems faced by organization/industry 80% 20%

* Distribution of funds among staff: Lead Faculty: 10%, Supporting Faculty: 8%, Peon: 3%, Driver: 3%.

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Panipat Institute of Engineering & Technology (PIET)