Policies & Procedures

E-Governance Policy

E- Governance is the integration of Information and Communication Technology in all the processes to enhance institute’s ability, efficiency, and outreach to address the needs of stakeholders i.e. students, faculty members, alumni and the staff engaged in administrative support. The Institute has deployed e-governance tools to cater different processes such as student admission and support, library, student evaluation, finance and accounts, administration, etc. In order to automate the functioning, and to improve efficiency, accuracy, transparency and governance in the Institute, a progressive e-governance policy has been envisaged


  • Create transparency and accountability in the system.
  • Achieve accuracy and improve efficiency with outreach.
  • Minimize the usage of paper.
  • Improve the on time decision making.

General Guidelines

  • The institute shall place a regular review over the e-governance processes to create and circulate relevant reports for addressing the important issues on time.
  • All the concerned stakeholders shall have access to such relevant reports to discharge their duties on time.
  • The feedback of users shall be evaluated while procuring a new ICT solution.
  • On procurement and installation of any new ICT solutions, an incharge shall be designated to supervise the effective usage and maintain the availability. In case of any issues which cannot be sorted out by the college resources, the vendor shall be contacted for necessary remedial actions.
  • An adequate training to all the users shall be ensured through the vendor supplying a new ICT solution.
  • The users along with designated officials shall ensure the time to time up-gradation of ICT solution to improve performance.
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Panipat Institute of Engineering & Technology (PIET)