Policies & Procedures

Leave Rules

Leave Rules (For Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff)


  1. The leave rules herein described in this document shall be applicable to full-time regular teaching & non-teaching staff of the Institute up to the retirement age 60 years (65 years in case of Director). The leave rules applicable to Adhoc, Contractual, Part-time, Class-4, Daily-waged staff, Interns, adjunct staff or any special category staff shall be as per leave policy applicable respectively to each of these categories, or else as per the mutually agreed terms as enshrined in the appointment letter issued to the individual. The class-IV staff shall inter alia include attendants, gardeners, drivers, sanitary staff, & security staff (Except Security Officers).
  2. Regular full-time Faculty associated with academic depts. and the Librarian shall constitute as vacational staff
  3. (a) The Director, Deans, Registrar (even if part of a Dept. &/or taking teaching load too) and Heads of Acad. Depts. shall constitute as the non-vacational staff of category-A; (b) The non-teaching officers/officials/ technical staff associated with depts./work-shop/ I.T. Cell/ Library (except the Librarian) & all ministerial staff shall constitute as the non-vacational staff of category-B.
  4. For teaching days, the non-vacational staff associated with Labs., the non-vacational staff of category-A, and the vacational staff will be required to themselves appropriately reschedule the affected teaching load (if applicable) & other duties and/or make proper alternative arrangements thereof on the leave application form/ ERP for all kinds of leaves except that only in the case of medical or other emergency, the departmental Load Adjustment In-charge (or else the Deptl. Time Table Incharge, if none appointed as the LAI) shall make alternative arrangements of the said faculty/staff proceeding on leave.
  5. Once approved, the leaves will be duly recorded in the attendance register on weekly basis by the Establishment Branch and not kept blank in attendance register.
  6. (a) Leave be applied through proper channel. Prior sanction be taken 2 days before in case of Academic Leave & one day before (latest by 11 a.m.) in case of other leaves. In emergency / medical cases, “ex-post facto” sanction be obtained, i.e., the leave may be applied latest within two days after availing the leave, however, the sanctioning authority should be notified before 9.00 a.m. of the date of leave. Failure to follow above procedure for different leaves will attract the provisions of the following clause.
    (b) If any leave application is submitted by any employee the same day (for which the leave is applied), or on the starting date of a chunk of leaves, or after availing the said leave (except in emergency/ medical case), or if time-lines of preceding clause ‘a’ are over-stepped, such instances will be construed as “delayed application” & will be allowed only four times in a year, beyond which one ‘extra’ C.L. or ‘leave of the kind due’ (if C.L.s exhausted) will be deducted or one Leave Without Pay (L.W.P.) (if all leaves exhausted) shall be made applicable for each such instance.
  7. All Leaves need to be applied through ERP (HRAAP), if functional, or else on the prescribed Leave Application Form. In either case, alternative arrangements of duties/ load be spelt out with due consent signed by the person to whom alternative duty has been assigned.
  8. If any attachments/documents are required with the leave application, these must be accessible & legible to the approver.
  9. Compensatory Leaves can be availed of during the same calendar year (if earned in a calendar year) or at the most in the first month of the next calendar year. Casual Leaves (C.L.s) shall be admissible in the same Calendar year; other leaves shall be determined with respect to date of joining. Else, such leaves will lapse, unless mentioned to be carried forward.
  10. (a) Once an employee resigns, he / she will not be entitled to leave of any description whatsoever from the date of resignation, except that one C.L. per month may be allowed and encashment(s)/ reimbursement(s), if any due at the end of required number of net years of service/ bond period, shall be admissible.
    (b) If an employee avails advance leaves (i.e., more than proportionately admissible to him in the calendar year or in the admissibility year) & resigns from service, then salary equivalent thereto shall be deducted from his/ her final settlement amount. Example-1: if an employee has 10 E.L.s at his /her credit after one net year of regular service, then these are meant to be availed of by him/her over the ensuing admissibility year, but suppose he /she avails of 5 E.L.s, after due sanction, in the first month (after one net year of regular service) & resigns, then salary of 5 minus (1×10)/12 (= 4.17) days shall be deducted from his /her settlement amount. Example-2: if an employee has 15 E.L.s at his /her credit after one net year of regular service, then these are meant to be availed of by him/her over the ensuing admissibility year, but suppose he /she avails of 7 E.L.s, after due sanction, in first 2 months (after one net year of regular service) & resigns, then salary of 7 minus (2×15)/12 (= 4.5) days shall be deducted from his /her settlement amt.
  11. Head of the concerned department shall ensure that not more than 20% of faculty / staff is on leave on a particular day in a department in teaching days. If that is not the case, leaves may be denied to ensure proper functioning of the department.
  12. As a matter of fact, the respective Depts. should determine the teaching period /days according to their respective Academic Calendars, however, till the inflexibility / malady of the ERP (to accommodate such variability) is overcome, the following months, ‘for the purpose of sanction of leaves’, shall be considered as non-teaching period: Jan., May, June, July, Aug., Dec., and the following months shall be considered as Teaching Period: (a) Sept., Oct., Nov. for odd semester (b) Feb., Mar., Apr. for even sem. For sessional/ house test duties, since about 80% faculty is required, so sessional exam. period shall be treated as teaching period, thus the provision of preceding clause (regarding not sanctioning leave to more than 80% faculty) shall apply.
  13. Whereas the system of leaves has been built to ensure facilitation to employees in different situations & circumstances, yet no one shall claim any leave as a matter of right.
  14. (a) It is an admitted fact that without the whole-hearted cooperation of Faculty & Staff, no College functions can be conducted in a befitting manner. En-masse leaves of Faculty & Staff can seriously jeopardize a befitting organization of any function/event of the Institute. Except in cases of emergencies, no leaves may be sanctioned during such College functions as entail participation of the entire faculty & staff. To serve as deterrence against leaves on days of College functions/events, if a faculty / staff avails any type of leave for the day(s) of the function, one day’s leave shall be counted as 1.5 days leave except if specifically approved otherwise by the competent authority.
    (b)  If a faculty / staff is absent without leave on the day(s) of the function, one day’s absence shall be counted as 1.5 days absence.
  15. The recommending authority shall affix his /her discreet recommendation / remarks rather than cursory ‘forwarding’ etc. on the leave application the same day (on which the application is received in his /her office) or at the most the next day & transmit the same for sanction/ approval by the sanctioning / approving authority. Unless competent authority orders otherwise, for leaves of faculty & department staff, the recommending authority shall be the Heads of Depts. (HoDs); for leaves of office & other staff, the same role shall be of Heads of Offices (HoOs). The approving authority for leaves of faculty, Registrar, Officers shall be the Director. The approving authority for leaves of non-teaching staff (officials) shall be the Registrar. The approving authority for the leaves of Director shall be the Management.
  16. Salary of employee will be withheld if he/she is absent without intimation. Also, if duly recommended leave application is not received in Establishment Branch by 31st (or last working day) of a month, then based on the biometric attendance record, the salary of only such days will be released as verified by biometric record & the rest of days will be treated as LWP. Salary in all such cases (withheld salary &/or LWP) shall be released only in the subsequent month after specific approval by the Competent Authority.
  17. Any Sunday & non-working Saturday sandwiched between two Leaves Without Pay (LWPs) shall also be treated as LWP. Also, week off(s) ‘with pay’ shall be admissible only to those employees who have no more than 4 days of LWP over the week.
  18. The Establishment Dept. shall take approval of competent authority (i.e., the leave sanctioning authority) on the noting sheet for the cases to be made applicable as Leave Without Pay (LWP).
  19. Any changes brought in the Leave Rules shall be applicable prospectively & not retrospectively. For coming into force the new Leave Rules, (a) for the cases where benefit accrues after one year of service, the date of completion of one net admissibility year should be on or after the date of issue of new Leave Rules (it doesn’t, however, mean one complete admissibility year should pass after the date of issue of new Leave Rules); (b) for the cases where benefit / change applies to the Calendar year, the effectivity shall be from the year in which such Rules are brought in force.


  1. Fifteen (15) Casual Leaves (C.L.s) are admissible in a calendar year to all regular employees putting in regular services. After 31st December of each year, the balance C.L., if any, will be lapsed.
  2. The fifteen C.L.s will be credited to the employee’s C.L. credit account as per the following schedule: January, May, September = 2 C.L.s each month, and for rest of the months, 1 C.L. will be credited / month. Employees can avail of the C.L.s accordingly, i.e., they normally need to have as many C.L.s in their C.L. credit account as they wish to avail (except the restriction imposed on availing leaves in teaching days). The C.L.s would be reduced proportionately if part of the calendar year goes as E.O.L.
  3. Non-vacational staff of category-A (if taking teaching load) & vacational staff may normally avail one C.L. per month (if at the time of availing the C.L., sufficient C.L.s are in their credit) during teaching days and may avail the remaining C.L.s during non-teaching days. No such distinction between teaching & non-teaching periods shall be made for allowing C.L.s to the non-vacational staff of category-B.
  4. Second C.L. to non-vacational staff of category-A (if taking teaching load) & vacational staff in the same month during teaching days will be sanctioned only in emergency conditions provided that sufficient C.L.s are in C.L. credit account of the said staff.


  1. Five Medical Leaves (M.L.s) will be credited each year in M.L. credit account of each regular employee after one net year of regular service (i.e., the service minus any E.O.L. period) at PIET.
  2. Regular employees will be allowed to avail even one day’s medical leave, without production of medical certificate, but with production of prescription of MBBS/ BAMS doctor. Proper medical certificate from competent authority (not less than MBBS/ BAMS Doctor) has to be attached for M.L.s more than one.
  3. Medical Leave can be availed of in teaching or non-teaching period.
  4. Medical Leaves may be accumulated up to three years at the most.
  5. The employee, to whom Medical Leave is admissible but does not avail of even a single medical/ sick leave (from his/her quota of 5 M.L.s of one year) over the admissibility year, can claim a ‘Wellness Allowance’ equal to 5 days’ salary (at the rate prevailing when the employee completes the admissibility year & not at the rate prevailing when the employee claims the Wellness Allowance) of the respective employee on completion of the admissibility year.
  6. Wellness allowance shall not be admissible in cases of 1 to 4 M.L.s balance from a year accumulated with 1 to 4 leaves from a subsequent year, with total amounting to 5 or more M.L.s, rather this Wellness Allowance (as the name connotes) shall be admissible to an employee remaining fit over the concerned admissible year, not availing a single M.L. regardless of his ‘accumulated’ M.L. balance being 5 or even more.
  7. Wellness Allowance if due but not availed of in each admissible year, may be encashed in 2nd or 3rd admissibility year. If an employee didn’t avail a single M.L. in 1st &/or 2nd admissible year(s), even though he/she may avail one / more/ all M.L.s of 3rd admissible year, yet he/she shall be entitled to encash wellness allowance of 1st &/or 2nd admissible years.


  1. Ten Earned Leaves (E.L.s) to vacational staff, fifteen Ls. to non-vacational staff of Category-A & 12 E.L.s to non-vacational staff of Category-B shall be admissible each year after one net year of regular service (i.e., the service minus any E.O.L.) at PIET.
  2. Unavailed E.L.s will be accumulated for upto 3 years after the first net year of regular service at PIET. Total unavailed E.L.s at the end of 3 years (over which the E.L.s were accumulated), may be encashed at a rate of 50% of the balance E.L.s, e.g., if balance accumulated E.L.s are 20, then salary equivalent of only 10 days will be credited to the employee’s account, rest lapsed automatically.
  3. L.s may be availed of by non-vacational staff of category-A & vacational staff in non-teaching days and should be got sanctioned in advance, however, in exceptional cases, E.L. may be approved in teaching days with explicit justification by concerned HoD and approval of the Director. This clause is applicable to said staff if such staff had been assigned teaching load in concerned semester, i.e., if teaching load is not assigned to said staff, then E.L. may be availed during teaching period.
  4. Earned Leave (E.L.) cannot be clubbed with any other leave, nor with vacations; if any leaves or vacations immediately precede or proceed the E.L., the same would be treated as E.L. (or as LWPs if E.L.s exhaust by way of such treatment).


  1. Five Academic Leaves (A.L.s) (with exception as at Sr. no. 4 below for FDPs) will be credited each year in the A.L. credit account of non-vacational staff of category-A & the vacational staff after one net year of regular service at PIET. However, if competent authority deems fit, one A.L. will be allowed during probation period or ad-hoc service. Academic Leave will not be carried forward to the successive years of service.
  2. To request an A.L., said staff needs to apply (through the respective recommending authority) to the sanctioning authority at least 2 days before availing the said leave.
  3. Maximum 5 days A.L. per year may be granted to said staff pursuing Ph.D. from recognized University (Deemed Private University with NAAC accreditation, Govt. University, State University) or accredited Institutions for progress seminar and viva-voce / defence of thesis; proof needs to be submitted from competent authority along with the application.
  4. Or Maximum 5 days A.L. per year may be granted to said staff for attending Seminars, Conferences & FDPs, except that if FDP spans over 6 days, then 6 days A.L. shall be granted.
  5. Or Maximum 5 days A.L. per year may be granted to said staff to do jobs related to liaisoning, research pursuits, collaboration meetings, attend Academic Council meetings, associated activities, examinations, conduct viva-voce exam. of other recognized Universities (Deemed Private University with NAAC accreditation, Govt. University, State University) and accredited Institutions.
  6. A.L. may be availed of in teaching or non-teaching period but with prior sanction.


  1. Short Leave (S.L.), of up to 2 hours duration, is admissible to regular employees, 2 S.L.s would amount to deduction of half day’s C.L.; 3 S.L.s would amount to one day’s C.L. deduction from the C.L. credit account of the employee. Further deductions of C.L. against S.L.s would take place as follows: 4 S.L.s = 1.25 C.L.s, 5 S.L.s = 1.5 C.L.s, 6 S.L.s = 2 C.L.s and so on.
  2. Prior to availing each short leave, befitting alternative arrangements of teaching & /or other duties be normally made by the employee.


  1. If competent authority requires faculty members or any staff for extra duty & /or duty on non-working day (including vacations for vacational staff), then on due recommendation by concerned HoD/ HoO, a written order to that effect shall be issued in advance by the competent authority.
  2. List of faculty members / staff on such extra duty shall be compiled by the reporting authority and shall be submitted to the establishment section for approval of Director.
  3. If such extra duty is performed in the College premises, then the Establishment Department will verify the list of reporting faculty members / staff from biometric attendance for the day of duty and get it approved by the Director. After Director’s approval, Establishment Dept. will credit the earned (as per Table below) compensatory leaves in employee’s Compensatory Leave account.
  4. If such extra duty is performed outside the College premises, Compensatory Leaves shall be credited in the Compensatory Leave account of the employee as and when the employee submits the completion report of the work to Establishment branch through the concerned HoD/ HoO, duly approved by the Director.
  5. Compensatory Leave shall be credited as follows:
S. no. Timing / Day Working Hours Spent Compensatory Leave Earned
1. 4.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. 3 hours Half Day
2. 4.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. or beyond 5 hours or more Full Day
3. Upto 4 hours on Sunday / Holiday/ Vacations Upto 4 hours Half Day
4. 7.30 hours or more on Sunday / Holiday/ Vacations 7.30 hours or more Full Day
  1. Compensatory Leaves can be availed during the same calendar year (in which such leave was earned) or at the most in the first month of the next calendar year, else such leaves will lapse. Compensatory Leave can be availed of only with the recommendation of HoD/HoO & the approval of the Director.
  2. For faculty/ staff associated with teaching/ Lab. Duties, Compensatory Leaves can be taken on a non-teaching day, if it falls during teaching span of the semester.


  1. Duty Leave shall be admissible to any employee entrusted/ assigned any work by competent authority.
  2. Duty Leave shall also be admissible to any employee assigned any work by Kurukshetra Univ., Kurukshetra or Pt. Bhagwat Dayal Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak, or Haryana State Board of Technical Education, Panchkula.


  1. Vacational staff shall avail Summer vacations & Winter vacations each of one week, provided that such vacational staff had by then (as of availing vacations) put in minimum one net year of regular service at PIET (i.e., Service Period minus E.O.L., if any).
  2. Vacational staff who had put in 6 months to less than one net year of regular service at PIET by then (as of availing vacations) would avail Summer vacations & Winter vacations each of 3 working days.
  3. Neither summer nor winter vacations would be admissible to such vacational staff who would have less than net 6 months of regular service at PIET by then (as of availing vacations).
  4. Academic calendars & other planning be so done as to allow Summer & Winter vacations each in prescribed single slots for all vacational staff, however, if the Institute desires to maintain desired functionality of any Depts. &/or the Institute, the concerned HoDs shall propose summer & winter vacations in staggered slots for the eligible vacational staff of their Dept. for approval by competent authority. If any regular vacational staff is retained in vacations by the Institute for any work, he/she shall earn Compensatory Leave (CPL) as put forth under the heading ‘COMPENSATORY LEAVES’.


  1. Up to three months maternity leave with full salary (reimbursable after joining back & after serving the Institute for the ‘net’ bond period) shall be allowed to women staff having net regular service of 2 years (minus E.O.L., if any) at PIET by then (as of availing said leave). Such staff, if wishes to avail of said reimbursement, shall execute a bond to serve the Institute for at least two ‘net’ years after availing the maternity leave. If said reimbursement is not availed of, then the three months (or as availed) period shall be treated as Extra Ordinary Leave (E.O.L.).
  2. The reimbursable salary shall be computed at the rate prevailing when the leave was actually availed of & not at the rate prevailing when the employee gets the reimbursement.
  3. If any kind of unpaid leave is availed of while serving the bond period, such leave being an E.O.L., the bond period would stand extended accordingly.
  4. The alternative arrangements of duties etc. shall be made by the concerned Dept./ Office.
  5. Maternity leave (with full salary) shall be admissible only once in the total service period at PIET.


  1. Two working days paternity leave with full salary shall be allowed to men staff having net regular service of 2 years (minus E.O.L., if any) at PIET by then (as of availing said leave). The alternative arrangements of duties etc. shall be made by the concerned staff himself.
  2. Paternity leave (with full salary) shall be admissible only once in the total service period at PIET.


  1. Study leave of up to 6 months (once in entire service at PIET) with half salary (reimbursable after the completion of ‘net’ bond period) shall be allowed to regular staff having regular service of 3 years (minus E.O.L., if any) at PIET by then (as of availing the said leave), for pursuing higher studies in a Program in or outside PIET. The alternative arrangements of duties etc. shall be made by the Dept./ Office/ Institute.
  2. Staff willing to avail of said reimbursement, shall execute a bond to serve the Institute for at least 3 years (or 2 years if study leave is availed of for 3 or less than 3 months) after completing the Program (e.g., Ph.D. Degree) for which study leave was taken, else in case of default, the half salary of the period of 6 months (or else as availed) shall not be reimbursed to the employee. If said reimbursement is not availed of, then the 6 months (or else as availed) period shall be treated as Extra Ordinary Leave (E.O.L.).
  3. The half salary shall be computed at the rate prevailing when the study leave was actually availed of & not at the rate prevailing when the employee gets the reimbursement.
  4. If any kind of unpaid leave is availed of while serving the bond period, such leave being an E.O.L., the bond period would stand extended accordingly.


  1. The holidays to be observed by the Institute during a calendar year are approved annually in advance, in the form of a calendar, by the Director of the Institute.
  2. Besides all gazetted holidays, two Restricted Holidays (R.H.s) out of the notified list, as per individual’s faith shall be admissible to each staff. No R.H. is admissible to staff on essential duties.


  1. All faculty & staff members are required to punch & sign in their attendance by 9.00 a.m. in the morning & after 4.30 p.m. in the evening on all working days.
  2. Ten minutes grace period is allowed (arrival / departure) twice in a month. After this, late attendance will be marked, if attendance is punched beyond 9.10 a.m. or before 4.20 p.m. Such late attendance will have deduction of short leaves as prescribed under the heading SHORT LEAVES.
  3. Any attendance punched between 11 a.m. – 12.45 p.m. will be treated as half day leave.
  4. Single punch will be treated as full day absent & leave (of the kind due) / salary will be deducted accordingly.


  1. All employees will record their attendance in the manner prescribed by the Institute and would record both incoming & outgoing timings.
  2. Working hours of the Institute will be from 9.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. with a lunch break of 45 minutes (as per lunch break slot made available by respective Depts. & from 12.30 p.m. to 1.15 p.m. for offices), unless specifically ordered otherwise.
  3. The Institute may, if required, regulate the hours of attendance to suit the duties entrusted to an individual employee.
  4. Each Sunday and 1st & 3rd Saturday of each month are treated as week off.
  5. All are expected to strictly observe punctuality. During work-hours, each employee should ensure that the office knows, at all times, where he/she can be contacted.
  6. On occasions when an employee is late for some unavoidable reason, or is away from office for any reason, he/she should inform the HoD/ HoO/ competent authority accordingly.
  7. Coming later than the scheduled commencement (9.00 a.m.) of the working hours and leaving the Institute earlier than the scheduled time of departure and any failure to record the time of arrival & departure shall render the employees liable to disciplinary action, apart from debiting their leaves account in accordance with the Institute Leave Regulations.
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Panipat Institute of Engineering & Technology (PIET)