- The objective of the promotion policy is to recognize and reward, merit and competence. It improves the organizational and functional effectiveness.
- The promotion of an employee is purely based on the merit cum seniority basis.
Criteria for Promotion
- Latest two year’s consecutive A.C.R.’s of the official should be satisfactory/ good.
- At least 70% or more of the A.C.R.’s of the official should be satisfactory/ good during the last ten years. However, greater weight shall be given to the reports earned on a higher post from which further promotion is being considered.
- At the time of promotion, a report on work and conduct will be called from the Branch Officer under whom the Officer/ official is working, which should be good/ satisfactory.
- No promotion will, however, be allowed to any employee during the period undergoing punishment or stoppage of his grade increment(s) unless the period of punishment has expired.
Note: – These criteria for promotion will also be applicable to the cases for grant of Selection Grade.