Policies & Procedures

Stakeholder Feedback Policy

Panipat Institute of Engineering and Technology regards feedback from the stakeholders as an important source of input to ensure the effective curriculum design, delivery and attainments of program outcomes or graduate attributes. The Institute provides a range of opportunities for the stakeholders to give feedback and evaluates such feedbacks at different stages of students’ learning journey in line with the quality management framework.

This feedback policy applies to collecting and evaluating stakeholder’s feedback and opinions about individual program, the course they are enrolled in, quality of teaching, resources and support available in the institute as applicable. The feedbacks collected from various stakeholders on various issues are presented in the table below.

Feedback on Feedback from
Students Teachers Alumni Employer
Mission, Vision, and PEOs Yes Yes Yes
Curriculum and its delivery Yes Yes Yes Yes*
Physical and academic facilities Yes
PO attainments through exit survey Yes
PO attainments survey of alumni/employer Yes Yes*
PEO–Program Educational Objectives
PO–Program Outcomes
* Emerging

General Guidelines

  • Feedback processes shall be systematic, anonymous and respectful of the rights of students and staff and incorporate strategies to maximize participation. Full privacy and confidentiality shall be ensured at all stages of the process.
  • The survey shall be administered for every program during the running semester or at the end as required by the purpose of survey. A set of core questions form the basis of the survey deployed to systematically evaluate teaching, learning and other related issues in all the programs.
  • The mission, vision, PEOs and PO survey shall be administered annually. A set of questions form the basis of the survey deployed to systematically evaluate graduate satisfaction level and employment outcomes.
  • The feedback shall be used to improve the quality of courses, teaching, professional development needs of students, enhance add on courses, improve learning resources, facilities, equipments and support services.
  • To ensure that the feedback policy is fit for the purpose and meets the requirements of institute’s threshold standards, this policy shall be reviewed by the internal quality assurance cell (IQAC), when required, prior to approval by the Governing Board.
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Panipat Institute of Engineering & Technology (PIET)