Women have the right to freedom from violence, harassment and discrimination. Removing the barriers of an unsafe environment can help women to convert their potential into contributions for workplace, community, and the economy. The goal of this policy is to bring about the advancement, development and empowerment of women.
General Guidelines
- Institute shall create an environment of gender equality where everyone can work together with a sense of personal security and dignity.
- Institute shall create awareness about the issues related to women welfare and safety at workplace.
- Institute shall promote a healthy work culture in the institute.
- Provision of maternity leave for the female staff at PIET.
- Institute shall place initiatives to enhance the self-confidence and self-esteem of girl students, women faculty and staff in the college.
- Institute shall ensure equal participation from female staff and students in all areas.
Gender equity must become a lived reality and how better to do it than ensure that women are safe at the workplace, by creating an atmosphere conducive to increased participation of women and supporting them through measures such as.
- Institute shall provide emergency contact numbers and a designated officer(s) available round the clock to be contacted in emergency.
- For the safety reasons institute shall provide well lit work areas, staircases and parking lots till the last woman employee leaves the area.
- To prevent any kind of female injustice at institute an ICC has been established. The ICC is responsible for looking into any complaints filed by students and staff about woman grievances in the institute.
- There is a strict disciplinary action policy against those found violating the code of conduct to ensure that it is not repeated.
- There shall be provision of regular reminders of the ethical values of the institute, through emails, posters, sessions, etc.