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About the Programme

Fast growing information technology and communication systems have become critical components of almost every company’s strategic plan. Companies which want to take advantage of the new information technologies and communication systems require expert professionals, who can apply computer science principles to solve problems produced by the interface between business and technology. BCA Course is an undergraduate program where students are exposed to various areas of computer applications including the latest developments in the industry. This unique course provides dual career options for the students in the fast growing technology sectors of Cloud Technology and Information Security. In addition to all the mandatory subjects of a traditional BCA, this specialized course offers in-depth practical know-how of the current trends. These sectors have the potential to grow exponentially and they provide challenging job opportunities for young professionals with the right skill sets. On the Cloud Technology front, the course will provide students with the fundamental knowledge of all aspects of Cloud Technology. The course focuses on Virtualization Technology, Cloud Technology, Datacenters, Networking and Operating Systems. On the Information Security front, this course equips the students with the concepts and the technical skills in Information Security. The focus of the course is on the models, tools and techniques for enforcement of Security Policies, with emphasis on Cryptography, Ethical Hacking, Computer Forensics and Virtualization and Cloud Security. The Cloud Services and securities market was around $11 Billion in 2012 and is poised to grow to $ 65 to 85$ Billion in 2015” – as per McKinsey Analysis: Winning in the SMB Cloud: Charting a Path to Success. The Gartner reports states that there are currently about 50 million enterprise users of Cloud Office Systems which represent only 8 percent of overall office system users, excluding China and India. It predicts that a major shift toward cloud office systems will begin by the first half of 2015 and reach 33 % penetration by 2017. It has been also said that all these will lead to the creation of 14 Million New Jobs by 2024

XII’th in Arts / Science or Commerce

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Panipat Institute of Engineering & Technology (PIET)