Synopsis of Guest Lecture by Prof. Bedi on “Competency Mapping”

Faculty of Panipat Institute of Engineering & Technology, NCR, had an opportunity this afternoon to interact and listen to Prof. Suresh Kumar Bedi, Eminent Professor & Management Thinker, with over 40 years of experience. In this highly interactive session on “Competency Mapping”, Prof. Bedi explained the importance of competencies for faculty satisfaction, happiness, productivity and most importantly retention. The lecture delved into the topics of competence, competency, traits, behavior and attitude. He further emphasized on the importance of competency mapping for organization distinctiveness. Prof. Bedi shed light on the key competencies required in faculty members and faculty leaders for effective performance. Sir further discussed the role of threshold competencies and distinctive competencies for organizational growth. The lecture was engrossing and at the same time inspiring for PIET faculty.

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