Green Concept

Institute has an eco-friendly lush green well maintained pollution-free campus sprawling over 20 acres of aesthetic landscape filled with amiable surroundings and home to a diverse range of flora & fauna. On green campus initiatives, the institute has operational rooftop solar photo voltaic units generating about 350000 kWHr annually with net meter to reduce the dependence on external power supply. Efficient technologies are used for indoor and outdoor lighting. The solar energy is also deployed for water heating in mess and hostels. A biogas unit is installed near the Gaushala and inorganic fertiliser is used for gardening.

The campus is equipped with extensive water-harvesting facilities at various locations for water conservation. On liquid waste treatment, a sewage treatment plant of 35000 litres per day is installed in the campus. The solid waste generated in the gardens, canteen and in other places is collected separately in two different bins and adequately disposed by composting or supply to a local pig farm. The electronic waste is yearly disposed by supplying to the government approved e-waste recyclers. The institute regularly conducts energy, environment & green audits to plan and place continuous improvements.

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Panipat Institute of Engineering & Technology (PIET)