Corporate Visit to GA Capital Management, New Delhi

On 17th Feb 2023, a group of 30 students from Panipat Institute of Engineering and Technology visited the GA Capital Management Pvt Ltd located New Delhi. The visit aimed to provide the students with practical insights into the Financial Services, Financial Services Industry, Consulting, Regulatory, legal and accounting services, Investor Relations, Venture capital and Seed funding and operations management of a lservice sector organization.
Upon arrival, the students were given a brief presentation on the company’s history, products, and Services.
The students also had the opportunity to interact with the various officers of the company personnel and ask questions about their roles and responsibilities. Students got various insights about the services industry.
The visit was informative and helped the students to gain a deeper understanding of the practical aspects of Service Industry , Investor interactions and relations, Products and Services. It also highlighted the importance of Investor and Investor Relations.
In conclusion, the industrial visit to GA Capital Management Pvt Ltd. was a valuable experience for the students of Panipat Institute and Engineering and Technology. The visit provided them with a practical exposure to the Service industry and its operations management of a large-scale industry organization. It was a great opportunity for the students to learn about the practical applications of the theoretical concepts they have studied in their curriculum.

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