Vision & Mission


To lay a strong foundation for the first year students of the engineering discipline in the area of Applied Sciences and Humanities with a view to make them capable of innovating and inventing engineering solutions and also develop students as capable and responsible citizens of our nation.


M 01
To build strong fundamental knowledge and ability for application in students and make them capable to apply knowledge of mathematics and science to the solution of complex engineering problems.
M 02
To impart knowledge, leading to understanding between engineering and other core areas of Applied Sciences and Humanities.
M 03
To provide students the basic tools of analysis, as well as the knowledge of the principles on which engineering is based.
M 04
To strive to inculcate the scientific temper and the spirit of enquiry in the students.
M 05
To make students achieve a superior level in communication and presentation skills.
M 06
To foster values and ethics and make students responsible citizens of India.
M 07
To pursue inter-disciplinary research for the larger good of the society.
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Panipat Institute of Engineering & Technology (PIET)