International Internships/Student Exchange Programs

International Academic Tie-Ups

New Jersey Institute of Technology

The institute has collaborated with New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT, New Jersey, USA) to enhance and strengthen a joint academic research programme. Under the aegis of this collaboration, the students and faculty members can undertake joint research. There has been a dynamic exchange of scholarships between two sides.

MAGES, Singapore

Institute also has foreign collaboration with MAGES in Singapore. The students and the teachers went on educational excursion and attended game programming for Windows and i-Phone at MAGES Institute of Excellence. Additionally, they also got a glimpse of Singaporean culture.

ChungBuk National University, Republic of Korea

The purpose of this Tie-up is to promote student exchange and exchange of academic staff.  The association is expected to increase collaboration, cooperation and interaction for the further promotion and understanding of computer science and engineering concepts with special focus on research in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

International Industries

Students, in past, were also sponsored to overseas companies in the USA, UK, Sweden, Germany, Holland, Czech Republic etc. for practical training on merit basis after rigorous screening process.

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