To reinvent the education system and give students a break from traditional classroom learning, there is a dire need to revive the quiz culture in colleges. Besides the obvious academic benefits of expanding a studentā€™s knowledge and exploring new skills at an early age, quizzes redefine the education system in significant ways. Quizzes are designed to promote, a fun way to study and in the process help improve oneā€™s general knowledge. Quiz competitions enables students to think from different angles or simply ā€˜to think out of the boxā€™

ā€œInQUIZitiveā€is MBA department Business Quiz Competition being organized every semester.

This Quiz theme was focused on: Logo Identification, Current Affairs, Abbreviations, CEO Identification, Brand Identification and Famous Entrepreneurs.

It was held on 18thĀ September. A written test was conducted in which 25 teams participated, six teams scoring highest was selected. The event generated curiosity and understanding of Business news of different sectors and companies.

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Panipat Institute of Engineering & Technology (PIET)